Official eUS Government Publication: From America, with Love!

Day 784, 14:22 Published in China Bulgaria by eUS Embassy

Citizens and people of the great eChinese nation,

We, the citizens of the eUnited States of America, wish to say something to you:

The eUS hearts China!

That is to say, in the vernacular of Americans, you guys are seriously kickass. In an eRepublik where PHOENIX loves to bully the rest of the world, China has managed to show a strong backbone. We salute you! o7

When this war started, not everyone was sure what would happen. Many were, in fact, afraid that some of our friends in Asia might not live up to our expectations. You, however, have far exceeded our expectations in every respect. Your assistance has been vital in the war against PHOENIX, and without you, Iran and Indonesia would still have powerful Asia-spanning empires. But thanks to your relentless assistance, we have managed to liberate not one, but two, high iron regions in Asia, including China's own Liaoning. The fight against Iran was long and hard, but the success made it all worth it.

Even more important was how you worked with India and the United States so that we could push into occupied-India and attack Iran's high wood region, as well as Indonesia's fortress of Karnataka, the centerpiece of Indonesian imperialism. In a move of boldness and daring, China itself led the attack on Indo's only high grain region of Madhya Pradesh, and succeeded in liberating the last of Indonesia's Asian holdings.

After that, you once again lent your help to the allied war efforts by allowing the eUS access to the infamous Hungarian stronghold of 'Hello Kitty.' Indeed, China arranged to simultaneously attack this stronghold in an effort to split PHOENIX damage. Despite the ultimate inability to free this region during this first attack, China showed itself to be a stalwart ally and friend.

Now word has come to us once again of China's daring and strong will. The eUS has heard of the Russian ultimatums and the PHEONIX lies and threats that have been hurled at you. We know how they demanded you just give up that which you have regained after months of labor. We know, also, your reply. The people and government of the eUnited States of America congratulates you on your resounding 'No!' to the tyrannical dictations of Russia, Serbia, and Hungary. You have shown that in eRepublik there are indeed citizens willing to take the high ground, to make stand, and tell Hungary to stuff it where the sun don't shine.

The eUSA is proud to count China among its closest allies! We hope that we can continue to push for freedom of Hello Kitty and the destruction of the Hungarian empire, and eventually we will succeed. For now, know that the citizens of the eUS stand by their brothers-in-arms, the citizens of eChina.

May you stand forever as a bulwark against PHOENIX machinations, China!


eUS President

eUS Vice-President

Bradley Reala
eUS Secretary of State