Official eIsrael Congressional Campaign Presentation, Bikini? Yes!

Day 638, 17:53 Published in Israel USA by Joey Jackson

I have been giving much thought to the up coming congressional elections and whether my promise of supplying many more luscious bikini babes for all of eIsrael is enough.

I have asked myself, what would people expect of me if I were elected, more specifically what would I expect of myself if I were elected. That is why I am writing today, to give something tangible to those who would vote for me and offer my ideas for those who have little or no interest in me. These are my ideas and opinions and by no means am I closed off from considering other ideals and viewpoints.

I would like to start of with my hopes and goals for eIsrael congress as a whole. Many of you have witnessed the downfall of a fairly great empire that was the eUnited States. There were many issues that contributed to their failure and I wish to only focus on the one that I believe proved most fatal, their individual pride. This differs from the pride of a country, a collective pride or self-respect. Many of the eUS politicians were unable to put aside egos and focus on the big picture, which led to childish bickering and ultimately complete inefficiency. I want to ensure that we, eIsraelis, elect econgressmen that can separate that selfish pride from self-respect. I hope to be among them. I already believe we have a great foundation for leadership and a strong model in our country leader, BuzzyTheCat. I also believe we need to invigorate our leadership, get behind them as a country. A good start to increasing government activity is showing up to vote. I urge you all, give our leaders a boost and something more to be proud of, by showing them support in the poles.

Secondly, I would like to touch briefly on our military. I support and would like to personally be involved with implementing more effective education, communication, and training for our soldiers. I also support a stringent re-evaluation of our MPPs along with a considerable increase in relations with our neighboring countries.

Lastly, improving overall quality of life is imperative to the success of my term. It should always a focus to better the enjoyment of all eIsraelis, from the new citizen to the two-click to the very involved and savvy citizen. Better education, training, and up-to-date news and information are paramount to the success of this objective.

I would like to close by reiterating, these are my ideas and opinions. By no means am I closed from considering other views and ideas. In fact, I very much welcome them. I believe each member of congress offers something unique and collaboratively we can provide better harmony to eIsrael and her citizens.

I wish to take up no more of your time and thank you for your support and vote in these upcoming congressional elections. Please vote for Joey Jackson, eIsrael’s future indomitable voice.

A vote for Joey Jackson is a vote for eIsrael, and a vote for gratuitous amounts of bikini clad babes, just ask Bar Rafaeli.