Official eCanadian Presidential Debate - Be There or Be Rhombus

Day 469, 17:29 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn
What: eCanadian Presidential Debate

When: 9 pm eRep Time, 9 pm PST, 12 am EST - TONIGHT

Where: #presdebate on irc. To get there go to the forums and click on "Canada's IRC" at the top. Choose a nickname and connect. Once connected, type /j #presdebate into irc and you'll be magically transported to a land of political squabbling!

Who: The 3 Presidential Candidates: Zanalan, Bruck, Dominik.

Why: Your virtual kneecaps might get broke if you don't.

Let's keep in mind this is the first presidential election with full boomer voting, so anything could happen.