Official Congress Candidates

Day 1,646, 15:35 Published in Pakistan Malaysia by dodial

After internal voting in the council from a possible list of 22 candidates, the following 10 have been finalized.

1. Policy
2. Noshal
3. zafthfirst
4. v3nG3R
5. Cluster Storms
6. vrsoldiers
7. Mudassar Tufail
8. Kamran
9. mani3
10. Rafay Ahmed

(NOTE : List has been updated. 'Anom' and 'Alien Fury' are out because they did not candidate in time. 'touseef haider' and 'Kamran' have been included. Both 'faris is back' and 'Hammad Javed' have declined themselves. Refer here for any update)

If there is any change in the list, the update will be issued in the article. Possible reasons can be absence of one of the candidates.

For this month, we have a strong threat of a political take over. A ukranian gang will try to gain seats in the congress by using there own and some multi votes. For this reason all voters are requested to vote for these 10 candidates. We need a minimum of 10 votes for each candidate to secure the seat so a 100 votes in total.

All people who have candidated this month but there names are not on the list are kindly requested to withdraw this month. There is little chance that you will gain a seat but if you stay as a candidate, you would be effectively splitting the national vote and giving the PTO'ers a chance to snatch seats.

IMPORTANT: On election day 25th, before you vote please get on IRC or should on your MU channel to check with someone on who has minimum votes. We dont want a scenario where policy get 20 votes and we loose a seat because one of candidates got only 3 votes. You get the gist, we need to distribute the votes evenly.

(from next month this note will be issued by the spokesperson of the council (av khan) who cant do it this month because he is not a ePak CS right now )

Your Humble Servant,