Official [Battle Orders|Kampordrer] Day 1,318

Day 1,318, 02:06 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

Dette er Forsvarets offisielle informasjonskanal til nasjonens frivillige styrker. Militære enheter følger anvisninger gitt her dersom ikke andre ordre er gitt via de relevante kanaler.

Check out the new Avatar Generator, which allows you to proudly wear national flag and Forsvaret logo with your own picture 🙂

First things first.... ignore any and all RW battles in original Norwegian regions. You will know when the real one starts Until then, just assume that they are started by idiots, cheaters and bank-robbing PTOers who call themselves president. Also ingore any battle orders coming out of Forsvaret for now... for much the same reasons as before.

Ok here's the deal: The most important thing you can do right now is buy tanks and save them for later Pick any battle or RW you wish (fighting for our friends and allies of course!) but save your heavy weapons for a future war. You'll know the one when it comes!

Hell, it is so important I will say it again: The most important thing you can do right now is buy tanks and save them for later. Everyone needs a good supply of shiny fresh Q5 weapons so we can go into battle soon with our heads held high and we can say "Don't f**k with Norway ok?"

There are a few battles to pick if you are in Russia, and you shouldn't really be anywhere else quite frankly (only 20 NOK to move), but only one important one:

Fight for Russia! Northern Russia

Watch the wall. If we and and our allies win more than 51-52% hold your fire and save your hits for later or next rounds.

If possible come to #eNorge on Quakenet for more coordinated and detailed orders!
Kom til #eNorge på Quakenet hvis du kan for ytterligere koordinerte og detaljerte ordrer!