Official Announcement of Presidential Candidate JamesHughey

Day 4,213, 01:56 Published in Denmark Denmark by JamesHughey

This is the Official Announcement of JamesHughey, Presidential Candidate, Party President of Alliance for a Better Denmark.

I have to say I am really sorry. I feel I have to be sorry. I apologize to the Danes for suddenly scaring them, making them feel like history repeats itself.

Also, I must tell history doesn't repeat itself. I will honestly tell you I did not even know what PTO meant when I came to Denmark. I didn't come here like I would take your country and it would be fun. I came here like it's a small country and there I really have the chance to do some real politics. To make the country better. And I know it's still hard to believe, but I don't want to steal your treasury. I don't want to kick the Danes out of the Congress. Even if my party gets any position in your politics, we represent the Danish citizens.

As you probably noticed, this is a quite honest announcement of me. I tell my real opinion. And so, I must tell it was a huge positive surprise how good and converging the Danes community is. It is converging, but not that organized. It is, as it is a real life community, most of the members know each other in real life, but also, we are in a game. I know how real life politics and how politics in big eCountries work. And I think the Danes would profit from making this country a real competitor.

I have theorems. All my real life is controlled by my own theorems. Those are like, I like debating. As you know, "debating means looking from various view points". And I think debating is a fantastic thing as looking from various view points probably results in agreeing with the best view point. And in result everyone profits from the best. Also, one of my theorems is that competition is also good. If you compete, you must give your best. If you don't give your best, you fail, so you must do it. And in result, the same happens as with debating: the result is the best, what is good for everyone. Or in politics, in a democracy, there isn't just a best, there are multiple parties and multiple sides, so it never happens that only one best can decide about everything.

That's one of the biggest problems in eDenmark. There is no political or any competition. The same community decides about everything and that's why you need an opposite side. So you can debate and people have the chance to choose and that makes the parties compete. Now there is absolutely no competition in Denmark. All the four parties are controlled by the same community and even all the Congressman candidates got to the Congress at the last election. That's somehow beautiful, but not a real democracy.

First, because there is no other. Second, it is not a secret that we are not from your community. I don't think that's a problem. We are objective and we can have opposite opinions. We are also experienced in economy and politics, like one of our members learns economics at university, one of us is addicted to history, and so on. But our advantages aren't part of this announcement, it is rather something like a campaign, this is just about the chance to be treated as normal people instead of enemies.

I feel like I should tell it is also a thearem of me not to want anything bad for anyone, even in a game. I would never want you to be mad at me and if you are mad at me for some moments, I feel like I have to prove that it was just some misunderstanding and prove I really want the best for you. Also, I honestly hope this is really a game: you aren't mad in real life because of our in-game politics, because I would really not want that. This is a game and that way it should never make anyone mad. I promise to all the eRepublik community we will never do anything that would give a reason to be mad for us.

Also, I have to tell we don't have multi accounts. Like, the last two accounts listed by you are on level 1 and level 13. That's because one of my friends didn't even begin playing, and the other one stopped playing at level 13 because he didn't like the game. Why would we create accounts that can't even vote? And we would instantly get banned, like ChedHetrick, who had a Hungarian level 1 account because he logged in with his Facebook by mistake and then registered with his e-mail. He didn't play with two accounts, just the second one, but got banned. We will also get banned if we do multiple accounts. But we wouldn't. It's the Danish people who have to decide.

And seriously, I would do anything to prove you this isn't some evil plan by the Hungarian PTOers, this is a really honest announcement that I wrote instead of learning for my last exam in the exam perioud at university.