Offense against democracy

Day 3,885, 09:13 Published in Russia Russia by Romper of Sibeira

Hello Evevryone

Today i´m here to tell you all about one of the worst kind of aggression done against democracy by one single person.

As you may know Battlefields are battlefields and things happen there. Emotions get tense and we overreact sometimes and here in Russian peaple has a seriuos problem to chat before go to the battle and some want to win by force and most interesting thing is that most of them figth one each other and next round battlefield is there empty.

So two days ago me and Nimnul got into a fight in the battlefield. I started first for few seconds what i as fighter consider the same as start together and I also consider when peaple start a battle together as fight and not a steal.

But seems Nimnul is a kid that never watched Spider-man and learned that "with great power comes great responsibility" in his profile you can see he auto claim to be eternal Mofa of Russia ( not a problem to me as you community voted for this) but when we have power we cant be a kid. After he loose the battle for the BH he got his MoFa power and without any responsibility he wrote to all ours TW partner advising all Russia TW was over without consult anyone of you, congress or gov team.
i didnt take any action until here but few minutes later another gov member came to me in telegram and said "We are about to close all our TWs". So i realized that Nimnul did an action without consult all gov members, congress members and whole community and worst he had peaple in the gov that agreed to this.

So i needed to slow down the things until we bring everyone to this discussion then i said to this gov member "if he close all battles probably we will have a dictatorship battle" i know that was a drastic decision and caused a lot of misunderstand. i really say sorry for this.
Now that all community is involved on this matter and decision will not be made but 1-2 individuals i ensure you that nobody will open a dictatorship even if you all decide about to close all TW.

I think we may really need a medal queue like we tried, this system may work effectively if everyone follow it, and i will follow it too and will gladly leave space open for others who reserve their BHs.
But any solution with rules open for everyone is better than using your power to abuse the community by closing TWs like nimnul tried. I wont suffer from that as much as other Russian soldiers and I can always hunt SHs in the air getting more gold that fighiting in the ground even within our TWs.

Nonetheless i hope a good solution which suits majority of Russian congress and community is found open to dialog and more i realy hope Nimnul put his head in place and dont´commit more agressions against the democracy of this community.

I once again have to say i am sorry if my remarks caused overreaction. In last big wars i did my best to protect Russia and help on battlefield. Of course if i spent tons of my own gold to help Russia, i cant seriously consider any dictatorship attempt here to hurt our economy and politics. But stopping TW for Russian people of personal hatred has the same effect as dictatorship on our people. I truly hope we all find solution like adults.
