Off to Russia!

Day 910, 13:38 Published in USA Austria by Alex Lorre

I was all set to stick it out until my final hours in congress. I figured I kinda owed it to the SFP for getting me elected and all. But then I found out about a chance to help the revolution in Russia backing up the CPSU and I knew this was something I couldn't turn down. The chance to see a top 5 country rise to a radical new government is something most of us in the global far-left movement only dream about but now there is a chance for it to come true and I'm bound and determined to do what I can to help out. They don't need leaders which is good because I'm not backing down from my two-clicking plan but they do need workers and voters and that is something I can do. So with that said I only await my walking papers from my current employer and then I'm on the next double flight to Russia to help usher in the revolution. Any comrade who wants to join I definitely encourage to do so. Just message Maksim Chuikov so he can help get you citizenship and links to the CPSU forums and a commune job and all that fun stuff. До свидания!