Off on the Road to New Zealand

Day 1,049, 18:57 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings America,

Tomorrow is that great time of the ladies, not 'that' time of the month when you can be a bitch and not have to apologize, but rather Presidential Election time. Though still getting my sea-legs back in regards to the political landscape of this country, over the past few days I have been doing some reading and I have decided that it I will be voting for Claire Littleton in the election tomorrow, and I urge you to do the same.

Others with far more knowledge (and free time) have summarized the reasons for why she should be our leader, so I will defer to those writers in this instance, I hear Athanaric wrote a pretty good one 😛

New Zealand

Two days from now is the 6th of October. On that day, I and many others from many countries around the New World will depart our long-held homes and take up residence in the newly formed country of New Zealand. Some will come because they have tired of their homes, others because they are looking for a fresh start. Whatever their reason, whatever their past, New Zealand will welcome them with open arms.

I urge any of you reading this to consider moving to our new home, the land of Kiwi's and Lord of the Rings. We have already developed a large, active community on our forum and as a new nation, we need all the help we can get. So whether you are a soldier, a politician or an entrepreneur, New Zealand wants you to help form the foundations of a bright new history.

Today in History (October 4th)

1535- The first complete English-language Bible is completed
1582- Pope Gregory XIII implements the Gregorian Calendar
1830- Creation of Belgium
1853- The Ottoman Empire declares war on Russia
1895- The first US Open Men's Golf Championship is played
1927- Gutzon Borglum begins sculpting Mount Rushmore
1957- Russia launches Sputnik I

That is all for now folks

God Bless and Good Night

Daniel Dodge