Oferte nga Albanian Avengers

Day 1,692, 15:28 Published in Albania USA by Irdi Balla
Albanian Avengers fton te gjithe njerezit ne erepublik te bashkohen me te. Qe sot e tutje do numerohen vrasjet ne kete MU
Ai qe do jete i pari per 5 dite(gjithsej jo rresht) do fitoje 2 Gold qe do jepen nga alenca. Ne kete menyre shpresojme qe se shpejti te behemi nje nder aleancat me te mira ne vend.
Nveli maksimal qe mund te fitoje eshte 30.

Te gjithe jane te mirepritur

Albanian Avengers invites everyone in eRepublik to join us. From now and on we will cunt kills in our MU.
He who will be first for 5 days (in total not consecutive) will be awarded with 2 gold. This way we hope to become one of the strongest alliances in Albania.
Max level that can win the gold is 30.
Everyone is welcome