Of Congress, Defense Systems and Romanians

Day 376, 07:33 Published in Austria Austria by Aanok Tourmil

Hello citizens.

Do you know that our Nation has just slid past the greatest catastrophe of its history? Yeah, I know, many of you do. Some don't, though, so let's make it all clear, shall we?

Austria has always been one of the targets of the Romanian expansion, as it stands in the middle between Italy and Romania, fierce enemies. So, if Romania wants to attack Italy, it has to conquer us first (unless the admins make large changes).

Romanians could annex us through a honourable war, or with a much subtler metho😛 a political takeover. Last Sunday a group of about fifteen-twenty players from Romania came to Austria and mass-joined the Moldovistic Party, thus completely taking over it. Their next move was to run in mass for Congress election and try to get elected and obtain majority in our Parliament. Should they have succeded, it would have surely meant our complete annihilation as a free Country.

But, our government noticed the invasion and took its precautions. Austrian International Movement members rallied and decided to divide their votes following a well thought plan, and so in part did the ex-NSK (now Austrian-Serbian Alliance). Through this, we managed to keep our Congress firm and in good hands. Austrian hands.

Though, at the time we didn't know if we would have succeded in our plan. So, amongst other precautions we took, we decided to empty the treasury. It was already partially done, in that most of the Gold was (and is) kept in the Bank of Austria, but so wasn't for the ATS. We wanted to take most of them out of the treasury but we couldn't through ordinary methods, as the "Donate" law proposal can move a maximum of 10'000 ATS at a time.

So we decided to... avoid the obstacle, and proposed the purchase of a Defense System for 99'999 ATS. The seller was "Walls of Troy", a company partially owned by Congressman Andak, our President Danny Boodmann, me and a couple of other friends of ours.Trusted people. And, as you can see from both the Bank of Austria's donation list and accounting register, most of the sum was turned back today, leaving just about 2000 ATS as the effetive cost.

And now, we are getting nearer to Presidential elections as more and more Romanians leave our Country after kindly taking the 5 Gold-worthy Congressman Achievement. But we mustn't lower our guard. A meeting between ASA and the AIM-ALP coalition will soon be arranged to decide what to do for the upcoming elections.

Thank you for your time. I hope I didn't bore you too much.