Day 918, 11:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

Before deciding to come back, one of the first things I did was check the eworld's wiki. Imagine my surprise to see that ATLANTIS, once the basis of stability in the west and elsewhere, has been disbanded!

I'm sure some members are too new to remember the alliance, as they evidently dissolved some time ago. There's an endless spring of knowledge on them and rival PEACE in the Wiki, as I don't really have a right giving a history lesson being so new to this new world.

For those that do remember it, I'm sure you share what is actually a poignant pang of nostalgia. I had my problems with the group. I revolted when they imposed a fine on the eUS for fighting Mexico instead of Indonesia, I remember Argentina, and plenty of other things that were wrong.

But then there's the fond look at history. There was the time where ATLANTIS was truth, when PEACE was the dark enemy in the shadows. And then the hearty respectful rivalry of two powers who were in it for the same reasons, and respected each other alot despite their scornful hatred.

I've heard we're part of the Phoenix alliance now, which sounds good. I've always been a great lover of eArgentina. But already my heart yearns for that time when the world was so polarised, that great cold/hot war that was fought on every front on earth.

So to those that remember, please raise a glass to ATLANTIS. And the old alliance that reminded us all we were brothers.