Oddly enough, I'm doing something I never thought I'd do.

Day 684, 10:43 Published in South Africa South Africa by Philip Francis Exavier Esquire

Hello friends,

As you may know, Mossad has been banned. I don’t feel right running such a person, despite the results of my party’s primary, and obviously it would be a poor choice for the nation. In other news, I now announce my own candidacy for president!
The fact of the matter is, I doubt that I will win, as I have excellent, experienced, and probably superior competition in the form of one Mr. Steven Bosch. Despite this, I don’t particularly wish to see a single candidate election. While I support Mr. Bosch, and will not be at all sad if he is victorious, (in fact I’ll rejoice even more than if I’m elected.) I hope that I can run and at least get a feel for the future. I don’t presume that my victory is assuredor even possible, and I don’t presume that I am a better candidate than those other’s out there, but I do say that if elected, I will ensure that those who know what is going on, will be in positions to put forward their knowledge and work for the betterment of this nation.

Let me just stress, that the reason for my candidacy is merely because our former endorsement is now towards a banned player, and I’d prefer to not take away all the fun from election day.

With that, I’d like to bid you all adieu for now!

God Bless you all, God Bless eSouth Africa, and God Bless Republiks!