October 15th, 2010 Memo for day 1,060

Day 1,060, 05:51 Published in USA USA by Niso Vespar

Today will be a brief memo as I have just recently began this newspaper, still many things to do before the first 'official' article. Just needed to get some IMPORTANT information out for the eUS citizens today.

Know your vote, check with the party leader before casting your vote accidentally on a PTO for Party President! Don't believe everything you read, some articles are misleading while others even just flat out lie.

Are you ready for Operation Monkey Business? It begins today! Be sure to get your free food and guns, also help wherever you can! Even the smallest amount of help can make the difference.

Located bellow are several important links for every eUS citizen:

Interested in helping your country you can choose a political or a military career choice, or why not both?

Always make sure you are following the newest of Civilian Orders released by the Department of Defense.

Make sure you keep yourself educated by keeping up with the Department of Education.

Like to stay informed, keep an eye on the White House Press Releases.

Without a doubt the place to be for discussions pertaining to eRep and eUS, sign up in the eUS forums.

Interested in getting experience for congress, or training newer citizens for congress? Look no further then the Model Congress.

Due to the amount political parties I will not be leading you the way, just make sure you choose one that
fits your thoughts and life style. Do not feel pressured into a choice, it is your elife live it your way!