October 14th, 2008

Day 938, 17:16 Published in Canada Canada by 1ronman

October 14th, 2008

That date marks a notable event for eCanada, as it is the date that I registered for eRepublik. It was 609 days ago that I joined this nation and set out to make a name for myself, and the experience has been extraordinary. Since then, I have helped to build this nation through various methods; ranging from game-mechanics, by being a 12-time Congress-member and a 3 time Party President of the Progressive Party of Canada; to role-play, by being apart of dozens of past Government Administrations as the Minister of Defense, Minister of Public Safety and even the Vice-President; and to 'other-mechanics', by being the Administrator of the eCanadian Forums, the Brolliance Forums, and the eCanadian IRC channels for these many months.

In my opinion, that's a fairly impressive resume. I've done it all. Well, all except the most prestigious position: President. I believe that with all this past experience, I have gathered the necessary tools, skills, and understanding to take on the position of President.

With this article, I am announcing my intention to run for Prime Minister on July 5th, 2010. I am seeking election, and will lead a clean campaign against my opponents in the Presidential elections. These opponents will be honourable and experienced citizens, like myself, therefore, if I am to win, I would like to include the runner-up as a major adviser in my Cabinet.

I have many goals and aspirations for the July 5th to August 5th term, but I will wait until later to reveal my plans, ideas for reform, and my incredible Cabinet. I wouldn't want anyone overdosing on too much awesomeness, afterall 😉

On June 20th, I will reveal my platform and explain the reforms I have in mind for the Ministries of Finance and Defense. Then on June 25th, I will reveal my full Cabinet.

Until then, I thank you for your attention and I hope to gain your trust for this Presidential endeavour.

~ 1ronman
Prime Ministerial Candidate for July 5th, 2010