Observations On Rebuilding America

Day 679, 12:47 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

About a month ago I wrote an article explaining that I believed the eUS was getting stronger with every state that PEACE took from us. I argued that each loss strengthened the bonds that unite us as Americans and unite us with our allies. While we lost more regions than I thought we would, I believe that my point has been proven. Partisanship, while still existing, is nowhere near as rampant as it once was in America, and it is frowned on more so than ever before. More of our citizens are active than ever before, they are joining the eUS forum increasingly and most importantly they are following the orders of our military leaders even if they are civilians. The debates about what regions should get hospitals and defense systems no longer include arguments based on what state a person is from in real life, and political debates in general hinge on what is best for the nation rather than what best fits one’s personal political beliefs. Much has changed in America, and we’re stronger for it.

New Opportunities
America is presented with a great challenge, but also a great opportunity. We have nearly liberated all of our home states, and while the war is far from over, the rebuilding process is beginning. The great opportunity we have is that we get to design our infrastructure for the V1 era of World Wars. When some of the greatest powers of the eRepublik world built their nations it was back in Beta. Indonesia and Hungary, despite all of their military strength, are living in countries that were designed for a different time. Many of the infrastructure projects that they have built were purchased in the Beta Era, by Mayors who just wanted their state to elect them again, and knew that a Q5 hospital would be a great way to get them to do that. Florida itself is a perfect example of this. Florida has no value in terms of resources, and very little value strategically, but because of a certain Mayor back in Beta it is home to a Q5 hospital and Q5 defense system, and became America’s Fortress state. Now there was nothing wrong with this in Beta, but the way wars are fought has changed, then priorities in battle have changed, and our strategy has to change.

Political Reshuffling
While I’m hesitant to write about this, our political landscape has changed a great deal as well. It’s obvious to anyone who has been around for a while that this is the least partisan America has been in a long time. People, for the most part, have genuinely put aside the blind allegiance to their political party that had plagued America in the past and had caused more than a little division. While this itself is a huge change, it’s not the only political change that the country is undergoing. When we lost almost all of our states our political parties also lost huge numbers of members who were too inactive to move to an American region. These two clickers, which every party has to some degree, formed the backbone of a Party’s power. We might not like to admit it, but if a state has a large number of people who vote for one party every election then odds are the candidate from that party will win a seat in Congress, regardless of how qualified they are. With these two clickers now being reshuffled between the parties a new balance of political power will emerge. This means that all political parties will have to be more careful than ever to make sure that they know just who they are trying to get into Congress. Bad candidates, no matter what party they’re from, could easily derail the rebuilding process at a time when America needs the very best elected officials serving.

The point of this article is as simple as it no doubt is unclear. Though it would be easy for all of us to relax as things go more and more our way, we should be doing the exact opposite. Now more than ever we need to be critical of the choices we make. Now more than ever we need to be aware of who we are trusting with our vote. Now more than ever we need to continue the pattern of dedication and attentiveness that brought us back from the edge of destruction. If we don’t, and if we don’t learn the lessons that this war has taught us and continues to teach us, then it will only be a matter of time before we end up where we were not so long ago. We are rebuilding America, and we must make sure that we do the job perfectly. But then these are just the observations of a guy who has been playing this game way too long. Thanks for reading.