Obituary for Carmen Polo

Day 919, 16:06 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Leo Ruby

Just as my last article was sent to the presses, I sadly found out that my dear friend Carmen Polo had been banned for multi-accounting, which she denies. The article can be read here, please vote it up. I will keep it somewhat short and just say that Carmen Polo was my first friend in the Czech Republic and was to some extent the person who convinced me to come here after I saw her ads for the Rainbow Alliance. Of course, by the time I got here the Rainbow Alliance was long gone, but I am glad I came just the same, because so far the Czech Republic has been the friendliest and most exciting nation I have lived in. Carmen was one of the minority of women in the eworld, an even smaller amount openly lesbian or bisexual women in the eworld, but she was also one of the best congress members and leaders we have had in this country, and she was not easily swept away by angry words or shallow opinions, and I think I share the thoughts of all of you in wishing here the best of luck in real life.

Best wishes,

Leo Ruby

p.s. Poll in the last article doesn't seem to work...I'll have a new one up in a few days, as well as a very special interview.