O_O Tell me he did not say that.....

Day 498, 12:08 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

On the forums we have a new 1 day old person saying that South Africa and Australlia should form an Alliance. He reckons that together we coudl crush Indonesia's southern Empire.

erm.....has he not seen Indonesia's size and millitarly strengh. No matter how many Africans we got in on our Revolution we would be crushed because history has shown that Indonesia is big enougth, organised enougth and that so unwilling to let go that she does and can wage a war on more than one front.
We would be crushed.

Some people say now is the perfect time to size back our lands because of the war begin waged in Asia/Europe but that war won't last forever and i can assure you all by rebeling we would be crushed immidetly after this war is over for our disloyalty.

Diplomacy and paitence will free us of PEACE's chains. So lets stop all this talk of Revolutions and Alliances because we all know the outcome so lets get back to work shall we. Work being freein our nation threw diplomacy.