Numbers in D.C.

Day 1,493, 14:37 Published in USA Ireland by

Day 1,493
December 22, 2011
Hello America,

I'm running for Congress. I know what your thinking, "Big Sh*t!". Well, yeah, you'll be seeing a lot of these. And most will be quite similar in content. Though, please consider me in your choices for congress in The District of Columbia.

I will always keep the people first. I will never take bribes (unlike some congress members) because I don't feel that it is necessary to sell ones freedom away to a person. I will uphold the most honest term though I realize that the position of Congress has been diminished in the eyes of many. You could PM me about anything and I can guarantee that I will respond with the best answer I can provide.

I am a devote Terra/Eden supporter. I was eborn in a newly granted Eden eIreland and have never lost my pride for the alliance and the brother alliance Terra. I only wish to further support our foreign brothers, though knowing the limited extent of power the Congress position holds.

I would love to help set up a system of construction such as the one in the UK. It would really help new citizens, and any who need help for that matter, set up and become self sufficient. Even help them to the point of surplus amounts of supplies.

Thats all for now,
