Day 856, 07:05 Published in Argentina Argentina by oscar merca

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eAnalytics: Open Beta
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Hello, people!

A long time passed since the last article and we have a lot of news

First and most important - eAnalytics changed address.
Now the site has short and easy to remember url -

Second - completely revised internal architecture. We will have new tools very soon
■ eRepublik players search
■ articles and comments search
■ statistics of activity in press by country, information about what, when and where was written by a player
■ salary charts
■ count of party members
■ ammount of money in country treasury
■ number of subscribes in newspapers

And many more interesting things will be implemented in next few weeks.

A few days ago salary database was launched. Now you can check there life in the New World is the best.

And, of course, we work on improving our election tracker. Since these elections:
■ Information about every election will be saved in database, so even after a year you can check who was where and see results and graphs
■ We will track now not only congress but also presidential election (party election monitoring is possible, but there are too many of them, so most likely it will be a paid service. Feel free to contact)
■ Surprise! This election we will test a new feature: we will try to track who voted where. It is unrealistic in a large region, but if all goes as follows after election day along with charts we will have a list of voters in regions without hospitals!

Stay tuned.

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—Curency Market
—Salaries of the eWorld
—Productivity Calculator
—Congress Election Tracker

Hope you enjoy,