Nuevas Misiones

Day 1,639, 01:26 Published in Chile Venezuela by TRAUKO1

Mission 1

Let's do some damage!
Fight for your countrymen! Fight for you! Fight for... more rank points!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requerimientos: Realiza cierta cantidad de daño de acuerdo a tu rango y fuerza.

Recompensa: 50 fuerza.

Mission 2

Let's socialize!
The more the merrier! Having more friends will help you in your journey in the New World!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requerimientos: Agrega 10 personas nuevas a tu lista de amigos.

Recompensa: 30 xp + 2 Barras de energia.

Mission 3

Be an active fighter all day long!
Use up your food fights each day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requerimientos: Recobra 1500 de vida en 3 diferentes dias.

Recompensas: 5 Barras de energia + 20 de fuerza.

Mission 4

Be an active fighter all day long!
Use up your food fights each day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requerimientos: Derrota 15 enemigos en 4 diferentes batallas en cualquier campaña.

Recompensa: 3 Barras de Energia + 15 fuerza

Mission 5

Become a soldier of fortune!
Make the first steps in becoming a True Mercenary

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requerimientos: Completa 10 paises por la medalla de mercenario.

Recompensa: 5000 rank points + 5 gold

Mission 6

Be a Resistance Fighter Hero!
Fight side by side with your comrades in a resistance war!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requerimientos: Derrota 100 enemigos luchando en Guerras de Resistencia.
Lucha en 10 diferentes Guerras de Resistencia.

Recompensa: 3 Barras de Energia + 4 bazookas

Recompensa Total:

· 5 Golds
· 85 puntos de fuerza
· 230 puntos de experiencia
· 7000 puntos de rango militar + los puntos de "Let's do some damage!"
· 13 barras de energía
· 4 bazookas

English Versiòn.

Mission 1

Let's do some damage!
Fight for your countrymen! Fight for you! Fight for... more rank points!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requirements: Inflict a certain amount of damage proportional to your strength and rank

Rewards: 50 strength

Mission 2

Let's socialize!
The more the merrier! Having more friends will help you in your journey in the New World!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requirements: Add 10 more comrades to your friends list.

Rewards: 30 xp + 2 Energy Bars

Mission 3

Be an active fighter all day long!
Use up your food fights each day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requirements: Restore 1500 health in 3 different days

Rewards: 5 Energy Bars + 20 strength

Mission 4

Be an active fighter all day long!
Use up your food fights each day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requirements: Defeat 15 enemies in 4 different battles in any campaign

Rewards: 3 Energy Bars + 15 Strength

Mission 5

Become a soldier of fortune!
Make the first steps in becoming a True Mercenary

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requirements: Complete 10 countries for your Mercenary Medal

Rewards: 5000 rank points + 5 gold

Mission 6

Be a Resistance Fighter Hero!
Fight side by side with your comrades in a resistance war!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!

Requirements: Defeat 100 enemies fighting in Resistance Wars
Fight in 10 different Resistance Wars

Rewards: 3 Energy bars + 4 bazookas