Day 704, 21:46 Published in Canada Canada by nucksalltheway

Well hello there eCanada, it is I, nucksalltheway.
Why am I running for congress, well to tell you the truth I was not planing on it, until Saskatchewan was won back, then the DAL needed more representitives, so here I am.
It's a bit of a last minuet presentation so it will be short.
I want to so the usual, hospitals, deffence systems, citizenship and such, don't need to make you listen to it. I wish to to the best I can for eCanada and our alies, and there's not much more I can say in the time I have. I myself have seen more active days in eRepublik, but am planing on taking up a larger role in the CAF reserves 20th OMEGAS, and wish to serve you in congress.

So vote nucksalltheway aside from my horible presentation, but if you don't wish to vote for me, I urge you to vote DAL, for a better eCanada.

yours truly