Day 764, 12:44 Published in Canada Canada by nucksalltheway

Well eCanada It’s that time of the month again, congress elections. I Nucksalltheway, am running in Saskatchewan under the DAL............ again. I have run just about every time I could except once, but have never been elected. Why. I let the people in my party who I believe deserve it more than me get the votes.

I want to start off with a statement.
There, I said it. And it is true, there, that brings up a lie, they say never to start a sentence with ‘And’, that’s a lie. My point in this is that you can’t always believe what you hear, read, etc.. I could write the best presentation ever but if it is all lies. eCanada needs honesty. Thats what I plan to bring. First of all I want to comet on the practice of SVU, Strategic Voting Units. I am not for or against it, but I will say, the way the game is it is the easiest way to get into congress, so unless the game brings in travel restrictions so you can’t use SVU... until then you can’t change that practice as it is the easiest way..

Basically I want to keep Canada strong, all the shit everyone says, elections are basically a popularity contest, I don’t like that. I really don’t know what to tell you people.

Vote for me and I will make eCanada a better place, If you have a problem contact me and I will do what I can, that is what I will do if i am elected.


Also the DAL platform: h