Now Open for Business... Naughty Pine Productions

Day 404, 07:23 Published in USA USA by Boss_Khamzi


Naughty Pine Productions is looking for a few good low range employees to help them grow. A Q1 Land company Naughty Pine has recently been thrust into the limelight. Its creation by the Organization Guns for Bums is hopefully the first of many economic endeavors. Right now they are accepting Q0 and Q1 Employees at 2.02 USD and 4.02 USD respectively.

Also, Naughty Pine Productions has placed a small amounts of sample wood up on the market. Please feel free to check out this rough cut Q1 stock.

So, If you are interested in working for Naughty Pine Productions, drop us a line or grab a job from the Human Resource director. And remember, the wood is always hard at Naughty Pine Productions.