NOVO u eSvjetu!!!

Day 567, 09:37 Published in Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina by ZmajBiH

Dear citizens,

Site downtime has been scheduled for today, day 567 of the New World, starting at 21:30 eRepublik time. During this temporary “break” our technical team will be deploying the Spanish version and the five South American countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay) on the eRepublik servers. The required operations will be completed in two hours, so our servers will be up and running again before the start of day 568.

Ili ti otvaraju 5 novih drzava Bolivija,Peru,Paragvaj,Kolumbija i Urugvaj.Server ce malo stopat ili ce se tesko moci logati na stranicu eRepublik,ali s obzirom da ce to biti oko 6 ujutru nas to netreba puno da brine,sta reci za ove drzave osim zgodna prilika da neke drzave ili grupe naprave novi TO sto ce se u istim vjerovatno lako i desiti ,ali eto barem nesto novo ...