Nove misie ... Day 1689 +2 z dna 1690

Day 1,689, 07:25 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Makutzi
Get two times stronger!

Strength means more damage! Train every day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,700!

Poziadavky pre splnenie: Increase your strength with 75 points. (Zvysit silu o 75 bodov)

Odmena: 75 sily

Be an active fighter all day long!

Use up your food fights each day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,700!

Poziadavky pre splnenie: Eat food to restore 750 health in 3 different days (Pouzit jedlo na obnovenie 750 zdravia v 3 roznych dnoch)
Odmena: 3x Energeticka tycinka
20 sily

Gear up and Fight!
Use up your food fights each day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,700!

Poziadavky pre splnenie: Defeat 200 enemies by using a weapon (Znicit 200 protivnikov za pomoci zbrane)
Odmena: 200xp
2000 military rank

Make a difference

Your country needs more firepower for those tough battles ahead.

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,700!

Poziadavky pre splnenie: Invite 2 friends and help them reach level 15 OR Build 2 rockets (pozvi 2 hracov a pomoz im dosiahnut 15 uroven alebo postav 2 rakety)
Odmena: 4x Energeticka tycinka

Daily Task

Dedicated players get rewards every day.

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,700!

Poziadavky pre splnenie: Complete Daily Tasks for 5 days. (splnte Daily task [Praca+trening] 5x)
Odmena: 10xp
10 sily

Let's do some damage!

Poziadavky pre splnenie: Splnena misia "Gear up and Fight!" (Ak nesplnite misiu "Gear up and Fight!" tak sa vam "Let's do some damage!" ani neukaze 🙂 )
Spravit urcite mnozstvo DMG vo vojnach ( kolko DMG budete musiet dat sa odvija od vasich statov )

Odmena: 10% rank points (10% z DMG ktore sposobite)