Nov Election wrap up....

Day 3,640, 01:41 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Greetings eIreland,

If you were like me, you might of been surprised by the election results, not only in regards to who received which vote, but the turn out of votes.

Taken 15 seconds after the close of the polling stations

As you can see from the above image, eIreland had a massive turn out, to be honest this turn out is the best we have had in the nation since the election of Jan '17 where eIreland had a turn out of 73 voters (just beating this month by 1). This alone is quite startling as many of us know, the game appears to be on the decline in regards to community activity, as well the lack of any campaigning from the candidates.

This lead many to think that once the verification process happens, we will see a different result. The Irish shout box showed many prominent citizens surprised by the voter turn out.

From the Irish shout feed

So with baited breathe we all waited for the voter check done by the admin's at eRep, counting down the 24hrs until the vote's were verified, people accusing others of untoward actions in shout comments. But come day change, what did the admin's see....

Final Results

As you can see from above, there was no vote's cancelled by the admins. So eRep has decided to let all votes stand and Kattiaa is staying on as eIreland's CP.

What's this mean?

It could mean a number of things:

a. Everything is peachy Well if this is true, it is a good thing, we have increased activity in eIreland. The question would be if this is activity that will stay involved in the game or is this activity people only waking up to vote.

b. There were multi's voting If this is the case, it would suck. Seeing multi's being used just ruins the internal harmony of the country, causes more distrust between people and creates more issues. However if the admins have passed this vote, that would mean it is all a-okay? after all the admins are on the ball with the game.....

c. The dead are awake this is something that happens time and time again. People message friends 'dude log back in and vote for XXX'. This also sucks, guys and girls if you are logging back in, try and stick around and help out. Otherwise, let your accounts die a slow death.

d. Activity has actually grown while personally I doubt this, but for the neutrality of reporting, I will talk about it. If this is the case, we need to try and harness this increase in growth, be it new people or new immigrants or voters returning to the ballot boxes. We need to ensure they stay active and involved, not only in the politics, but in all aspects of the game.

I will let you decide what you think is the cause of this increase in voter turn out. But it beg's to ask, if this will cause more issues within eIreland or if it will allow eIreland to take the next step up to the level it use to be at and should be back at.

Rusty D.