Nourezetan Piroz! [FA/EN]

Day 485, 09:26 Published in Iran Iran by Aryamehr



Drood bar mellat Iran!

Omidvaram shad va piroz bashid. Omidvaram yek sale khob va por az khoshi dashte bashin! Omidvaram ke Iran to in bazi hamishe piroz bashe. Omidvaram Iran to zendgi ham hamishe piroz bashe va in regime akhonda beran ma rahat beshim ke mellat Iran betavanan azad zendgi konan va zendgi khobi dashte bashan.

Kamtar az 19 saat monde ke varede sale 2568 Shahanshahi beshim. 2568 sale pish Koroush Bozorg padeshahe Iran bod va Iran dorost shod. Javid Koroush, behtarin padeshah va rahbare jahan!

Be har Irani 10 gift midam.

Lotftan vote konid, subscribe va yek comment benevised ta beheton gift bedam!

Hameye in az pole khodam miyad va harvakht tamon shod dige pole gift nadaram nimitonam gift bedam.

Payande Iran!


My warm salutations to the great Iranian nation, the great Iranian population and the great people around the world.

Happy new year (Norouzetan Piroz) to every Iranian on this game. I wish a good year, a year full of luck and a year full of goodness to each one of you. I also hope for a free Iran; where my people can live in freedom and enjoy life.

In approx 19 hours, we will enter year 2568 Shahanshahi; based on the time Iran was founded and brought together by King Cyrus the Great (Koroush). Builder and protector of our nation, Iran and I am very thankful to all our heroes now and then who protected our country, traditions etc from the enemy.

May this year also bring us a good time on erepublik; where we can develop and become better and stronger.

I am gifting every Iranian player with 10 gifts in order to celebrate this event, if I get any extra money (it's all from my personal money) left I will give PEACE members too.

Long live Iran and Iranians!