Notice Concerning the Ministry of Social Affairs

Day 724, 11:43 Published in South Africa South Africa by Enoch Root

As of Day 724, Frank Furglar is no longer the Minister of Social Affairs.

I have certain goals I wished established in the Ministry, and Mr. Furglar has opted to not meet my goals, due to personal issues.

The goal in question is the promotion and betterment of our National IRC Channel, #esouth_africa on the rizon network at He has even decided to go so far as to work against the government in promoting this.

I have a few people in mind to take up the now available Minister of Social Affairs position, but if you are interested, there is no harm in applying for it.

I said before, I will not hesitate to fire a Minister for not meeting my expectations of their Ministry, it was not a hollow threat. I do not want to see any part of any Ministry neglected.

I look forward to announcing a new Minister of Social Affairs in the next day or two.

-Enoch Root
President of eSouth Africa