Nothing but the truth

Day 924, 08:19 Published in Serbia Montenegro by Petar23

Dear citizens of eRepublik,i am writing this article because I think it is my obligation to present you the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of some issues and reviews in and about eRepublik. However,I would like to ask the admins if they could leave this article as it is (don’t delete it please).

First of all,when the famous battle for Heilongjiang</strong> ended and Eden won against Phoenix,the admin insider wrote an article about the battle. But,when the battle for <strong>Liaoning</strong> ended and Phoenix won against Eden the insider didn’t write an article,but he just mentioned it in <strong>one</strong> line in the article “Anti-cheating project updates”.Only <strong>one line,despite of the fact that the battle was the biggest in eRepublik history,with most damage. I wouldn’t like to write more about this because you already know about it from other articles.

Second,the new community department manager is the_mihai</strong>,citizen from <strong>Romania</strong>,aga in from Romania. Maybe he is the best for this job,but I don’t see any other Phoenix citizens being a ”new managers”,or maybe I am missing something? The last citizen who was promoted in eRepublik was <strong>MoonlightShadow</strong >,who is working in eRepublik insider. Guess what citizenship he has,<strong>Romanian. Maybe that is the reason for nonexistent article about Liaoning battle. If I am wrong,and I could be wrong,please admins write an article about it,and please write how many Phoenix citizens work for eRepublik.

Third,sometimes when I want to look at my country stats,the eRepublik opens an window with country stats of Romania,even though I have Serbian citizenship and I live In Serbia.This is strange,maybe it is a bug,or not?I asked some of my eRepublik friends about this and they all say the same,they have the same problem.

This is not much of a problem,but it is worth of mentioning because Romania with it has free advertisement.
Here are the images so you can see for yourself:

Fourth, some of my admin tickets had the same reply,even if they were a little bit different.I am beginning to wonder if the admins read the tickets in the first place,or they have some program for automatic replying with the same text for similar tickets. This is one of the things admins must work on,because I think people are getting nervous and angry by the fact that they don’t get the right answer.
Fifth,it has been longly and longly time since the new countries were introduced into eRepublik. I become very sad when I see that a lot of countries including mine (Montenegro) are colored with gloomy grey. I think it is a right time we should see world in color as it is,new countries should be added.

Finally,so it doesn’t be that I am just giving bad reviews,I would like to give thanks to admins for the new anti-cheating module,which is working great.This is one of the good things admins did in these past months.
Cheers,this game is great but don’t ruin it,be objective and equal to everyone admins…