Notes on Portugal and Slovenia: official reply to Iain Keers

Day 2,203, 07:15 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

Dear friends,

I find Iain's article to be extremely deceiving as it does not represent a neutral point of view, his other articles generally do. First of all, I believe it solely focuses on presenting Slovenia as the bad guy and offers no reasons why for example the Portuguese MPP was even proposed.

"Spain recently went to war with Portugal, and during the conflict Slovenia lent moral and military support to Portugal."
Slovenia never offered military support to Portugal, moral support was although offered as the main Spanish goal by attacking Portugal was to meddle with CUA-TWO relations. And meddling with that is against TWO's interest (I don't presume Spain is the definition of TWO?).

Iain Keers in his article questions himself what precisely is a legitimate casus belli; I for one think being in the opposite alliance is. Comparing Serbian occupation of Bosnia, Albania or Croatia in that matter to the occupation of Portugal from Spain is deceiving and incorrect as PT shares friendly ties (or it did) until Spain decided to convince TWO Portugal is the bad guy.

"Added to this of course is the inevitable hypocrisy of Howly. Both Switzerland and Italy are long term occupied nations which are mostly held down by Slovenia."

Onto the next point, Serbia and Slovenia proposed a mutual NAP to Italy, offering a deal that would benefit Italy (it would in other words give control of all resources, except saltpeper in central part of Italy to our rivals). The next day after the negotiations commenced, we were called as "enemies of Italy" in an official government article. Their representatives said they'd rather be deleted than make any kind of agreement with us, even if it benefited them. It was even said, they prefer to have fun and active wars instead of having pointless deals.

On the other hand is Switzerland, I have for ages now wanted a deal with Switzerland, although I get a lot of negativity from opposition in Slovenia trying to undermine my efforts. Today, an official referendum was called for, whether the Slovenian community wants to accept the deal with Swiss people is yet to be seen.

The Swiss agreement

To continue my thoughts on the article, he begins to compare Italian and Portuguese MPP. First of all, there might be some similarities, but the fact that one is proTWO, other is actively antiTWO is where we have to stop. Any kind of comparisons when we include those 2 facts are impossible.

We must realize that Spanish actions to attack Portugal were actively targeted against CUA. Spaniards are putting full effort into breaking TWO's ties with Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay whilst no one in TWO supports that kind of behaviour (nor is anyone against it publicly). TWO's silence is a sign for Spaniard foreign diplomacy aggression towards our common ally is allowed. Slovenia in that matter signed the Portuguese MPP in sake to prevent Spanish meddling into TWO-CUA relations and to give a clear sign: "Stop, now!".

Spain is currently making active attempts to save Brazilian congress against a friend of TWO; Argentina. To make it clear, Brazil is clearly an enemy of TWO and has proven so in the past, a glimpse at the MPPs the mentioned country has is enough for any bystander to tell; friendly or not friendly. Spanish attempts as well intervene with the Argentinian attempts to get and preserve 10/10 resources.

I would say that for the whole Portugal farce Spain is absolutely guilty, it actively tried to present CUA as the bad guys in TWO's eyes. And Slovenia adequately responded to this Spaniard interference. Spanish MPP to Brazil is no different in comparison to our MPP with Portugal. Our signing of the Portuguese MPP does not make us the bad guy all of a sudden since the move was meant to give a clear sign to Spain - trying to deliberately destroy ties with CUA won't be tolerated by Slovenia.

Sorry, Iain, but your article is full of incorrect facts trying to discredit my view point without knowing the formal details of Slovenian attempts to sign agreements, my personal knowledge what Spain is up to and what Spain has done in the past.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly