NOT the White House Press Release (dammit!)

Day 1,324, 07:00 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer

The eRep Admins' overnight adjustments knocked a similar number of votes off both Technician and Blank Keating, so this morning dawns on the same winner as we were looking at as the polls closed.

Congratulations, President Blank Keating!
Serious, no bull.. I'm sure the whole Technician team, and all Americans, are behind you.
You da man, we await your instructions.

I had prepared this piece for the White House Press Report, to be ready for publication the moment we got the keys to the joint. Not one to let good work go to waste, I publish it in my own paper as a challenge to President Blank Keating, his Cabinet, and all Americans.

Alright, America...

Break Time's Over!

Dateline : Wednesday July 6 (Day 1323)
Location: White House Press Room, California
Reporter: George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer; Press Director

Welcome, America, to the new White House Press Room.
Yes, it looks the same as ever.. but there's something different.
Something... new.

What's that I smell...? Is it... could it be...? Change?
Ahh, that's it-- it's not politics as usual anymore!

America has elected a military leader and a team builder.
America has elected a leadership team whose goal is to reunite all Americans to be the greatest fighting force on the eRep map. A team who includes you, who will accomplish this goal together, through aggressive implementation of three simple keys:
Cooperation, Coordination, and Communication.

The locks which block our way are ignorance, arrogance, and petty jealousy.
Every American holds the keys to unlock these barriers.
You, every single American, are important. You matter. You are one of 8,287 integral components to the success, or failure, of our nation.

We Americans love our individualism. We move ourselves into groups where we are most comfortable-- political groups, fighting units, social cliques. This is a good thing, because we are Americans and we will be free to wear flowers in our hair, or paint our beer bellies blue, drive our electric roller skates or pound the streets in our redneck trucks with the giant tires.

The problem comes when we forget that we are all of the same blood, that no matter our varied interests we have one common home-- America.
The problem comes when we proclaim ourselves, our group, our mindset, to be superior to all other Americans.. that my group is great while yours sucks.. that I have rights and privileges and you don't.. that me and mine demand respect but will not offer the same.

America... Americans.. we're family.
Okay, so we're a fractured multi-ethnic family at a really drunk and crazy Thanksgiving dinner, but... the neighbors have gone insane and are stealing our beer. They've messed with Grandma's pies. They have defiled our goddam bird!

Ya think it might just be time for the freaks and the straights, the jocks and the geeks, the oldfags and newfags and milfags and politifags to remember that we are all Americans, and the crazy neighbors are running rampant through OUR HOUSE and it's time to stop the bickering among ourselves and fight the sumbitches together?

And now, it is my distinct honor and privilege to present to America...

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The President of the
United States of America

✯ ✯ Blank Keating ✯ ✯ ✯
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯


Yesterday's Challenge Coins VI: Volunteers of America article may have gotten the election day shuffle. If you missed it, do click on over and pay homage to the people who have been manning the soup kitchens and armories of Arm America, Meals on Wheels and Bewbs 4 Newbs.

If you want to join the any branch of the USMilitary, the Training Corps is the place to start.

Here's the USAirborne application. Minimum Strength 1800; Barehanded Hit 400; High Activity

George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer
NOT the White House Press Secretary (dammit!)
This familiar row of avatars will be redeveloped to reflect current active media.

Please ReShout This a Lot:
NOT The White House Press Release
Challenge Coins VI: Volunteers of America
