Not so breaking news.

Day 435, 16:19 Published in Canada Australia by Mustache Dictator

It’s another day in the new world, Full of war, politics, and a bunch of economic crap…. Isn’t it great! To those of you who may have forgotten, a while ago I posted an article calle😛
The faces of Canada saying they wanted to be in the next one. BUT… I didn’t follow through. 🙁 I had another idea in mind which I may be posting. Just not in the near future.)
ANYWAY. Here’s the world as we know it.

The Atlantis vs. Peace war continues. At this point I have no clue what’s going on. With the Iranian takeover of Asia, the world is becoming a pretty goofy place eh? France took back there territory, and if you don’t know that, you’re ignorant. Which is okay, because ignorance is bliss. Life is good. That reminds me, I forgot to train…… 3/3 supershots, not bad. Back to the subject, Several countries militaries are on special operation missions across the world. Such as Italy, who sent some gang of Italians over to rob Switzerland. If any of them read this, I have two words for you: “Not Cool”. I wish good luck to Switzerland, and all of our Canadian friends over there who have helped it grow. Romania and Hungary are still fighting it out, and I don’t know if its just me, but it says gold was the winner of the last battle.
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Bruck is a eenchy-tichy clock philanderer who doesn't bathe regularly. Love, Uraczak, Emperor for Life of CHAOS. CHAOS, the one real party. All others are bad simulacrums.
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Of course, this is strictly ecanadian politics, because I am once again, ignorant to the rest of the world. These congress elections went well for almost everyone. Im very impressed with the PPC or Progressive party of Canada. Who by the leadership of Joey Phillips, a good friend of mine, was able to pull through with several victories. A huge change has undergone one of our biggest parties, the Canadian progressive front. It is now a military reform based party called the CEP or Canadian Empire Party. Led currently by everyone’s friend Augustus Baldwin. There next president candidate is Gen. Bruck. Who has done a great job of leading the Canadian armed forces on several fronts.
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Need a job? Contact the organization mcpablo for a job at the successful wood company, chop chop.
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Everything else

Well, it’s was tough past few months for Canadian companies. But hopefully, most of us pulled through. I definitely did, like a swallow carrying a coconut. Has anyone else noticed the price of houses has skyrocketed since V1? If I was to sell my Q4 house (bought in Beta for $200) I would make 600 dollars profit!! That’s a lot of profit in my book. Also check out the literary contest started by Banach.

Chop Chop employees
We boosted to Q2. We’re making loads of profits, and have loads of money, I’d like to personally congratulate Antonio Fontaine for being very productive. For the rest of you, prepare for gifts and money bombs coming.

Hopefully someone saw this and said “that’s really long, but ill vote for it” that’s my goal in life. Well, one of my many goals. Dont forget to vote, suscribe, and i love reading comments, so dont forget to post.
God bless you all, and God bless Canada
Have a great week.