Not Really A Presidential Run

Day 1,926, 20:06 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

I intend to run for a ballot nomination for March 5.

I also intend to run in April 5, May 5, June 5, July 5, and September 5 regardless of whether I am actually placed on the ballot, regardless of whether I actually win.

Since my term 6 months ago Canada has been assailed by poor choices made by its leaders, and although I still contend (see the Christmas edition of this paper) that ignominious failure doesn't really effect the day to day lives of most Canadians (beyond the inconveniences of Daily Order disruptions due to lackadaisical foreign affairs), it certainly isn't fun to see day in and day out.

As President I will run a simple, effective, government which provides Canada with competent leadership to maintain the essentials of the game. That would be a Congress, a system of allies for reliable Daily Orders, and a semblance of order.

So if you prefer a less depressing narrative that doesn't sound like a plot to a morally bankrupt reality tv show, I encourage you to consider voting for me if the "mainstream" candidates don't fit your bill.

But hey, I have read in a few papers that people *enjoy* getting the shit kicked out of them again, and again, and again, and having Congress wipes, so maybe there's a kinky strain of masochism out there that I just didn't know existed.

The point is, Canada could do worse (and has, repeatedly ... recently) than me as President. So I will be happy to be an semi-permanent option in case competency is a change people might prefer. Vote for me, if there isn't anyone better to vote for.