Not falling

Day 1,106, 22:07 Published in Canada Canada by Etemenanki

Just a short one today, I know, it's going to be weird. I just want to set a couple of things straight from everything I have read so far today what with the changes that the admins have introduced.

We do not need every kind of resource, point in fact, we actually don't need any resources what so ever. The new model would appear to be that EVERY country, regardless of resources can produce any resource at 100% value, wether they have a province with it or not. So just because we do not have saltpeter, it does not mean that we cannot produce saltpeter or do so at some massive penalty. What it means though is that our saltpeter production will NOT receive the bonus's that would come to someone producing Aluminum (since we have a high aluminum province) So that means that our grain production is just fine, our food market is not going to collapse, and that we don't need to run around like chickens with our heads cut off. In the future, Canada will doubtless be changing to a fish run food production sure, but grain will be able to compete at only a small disadvantage (15% or so I believe atm) Does it mean food prices based on grain will be higher? Probably yes. Does it mean we can't produce grain. No it doesn't.

The admins have layed out pretty clearly in the forum messages for that link they sent out earlier today that any country can harvest any resource, they just need a high resource to produce it with the bonus's.

"p0luks: Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg ex grain countries with big grain companies are now doomed...either germany or sweeden dont have any grain country....this is a disaster....."

"Admin: Now companies in all Germany can produce grain at a normal level. For Grain bonus, Germany needs to conquer a High Grain region."

I am sorry I had to write that, but atm people seem very confused and I have seen plenty of misinformation around. If this is inaccurate, my apologies, but it is based on exactly what the admins have shared with us."

Goodnight everyone, I will see you tomorrow when the sun comes up again.