Not another congressional article

Day 1,036, 23:08 Published in USA USA by JDR1986

Well it is but who cares?

Great news everyone. Tonight I am announcing my candidacy for the great state of Hawaii. Due to some activity issues I dropped most my national and party level jobs earlier this month. Basically I was getting burnt out with my work load and so jobs had to go and I had to prioritize. I have prioritized and since I am on vacation I figured the best place to sit down and relax would be the beautiful island nation of Hawaii.

Let me tell you all a bit about myself. On the national level I have been a 2 time congressman, an immigration official up to and including ICE Director, Director of REACH the out of game recruitment program, and Ambassador to Israel. I also served as a CO in the Training Division back when it was called that. I have played this game for well over a year. I have blocked on multiple occasions and regularly help with ATO efforts. Closer to home on the party level I have been everything ranging from VPP of the Federalists down to a FOP precinct captain and everything in between. I also served as QMG of the EZ company militia.

I love America and so can you...


This is one of my biggest issues and has been since my first term in congress quite awhile ago. I believe in vetting all new citizens that come into the country. As part of the IES team in past months I have seen multi rings, bots, and enemy agents try to sneak into the country. They wear our military uniforms, claim ato efforts, and even fight on our side for a few battles in order to get past our congressmen. I will sign up to be a member of the IES and work on files to take down these illegal immigrants. All approvals done by me you can trust will have gone through all vetting procedures needed in order to protect our country from foreign political takeover.

You can't even come in wearing that you nasty vile HUN.

The Economy

The economy is suffering. Everyone that has been in congress knows that taxes and hospitals will get shot down every time unless it is a raise in income tax or unless the president has signed off on the hospital. But why are taxes such a forbidden subject. Why do we continue to pay the World War 3 high tax rates that were proposed and passed when we were down to Florida. The budget has shortfalls but I plan to do something that no one else seems to think about. I plan to review the budget and cut the pork from it. Then I plan a comprehensive income tax drop. From 23% to 20% plus a import and vat tax raise in the raw material and industrial sector with the exception of Titanium. The 5% tax increase in those areas will cover the 3% loss in the income tax section. I would like to bring the income tax down to 15% however with our current budget we can't. I believe that the region rents should be reviewed on the amount of money that the renters are making and see if a small rent increase may help bring our budget into a better place. By lowering income taxes, balancing the budget, and decreasing foreign competition on our small business owners we will be able to maintain a booming economy and be able to offer higher wages with more manageable taxes.

She knows how to work numbers...

The Military

The military should keep the current funding but should invest more into becoming a more self-effecient fighting force. If we can stop pumping money into our soldiers and instead fund the companies that provide there goods eventually military spending can drop and we can create a budget surplus that can be used for retention, battles, and mpp's.

In the navy...


*I have been in the game for ages.

**I support immigration procedures.

***I support lower income taxes and higher import taxes to boost the economy.

****I support Self sufficent military, militia, and retention programs.

*****I support being a member of the broliance, and an EDEN ally.