Not about elections.. suggestions

Day 222, 07:19 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius
Elections time.... Every politician thinks how to get votes... UKRP, PCP, TUP, Belgians (but not Lithuanians) are working on their manifestos....

But I'm as being bad politician don't pay attention... and thinking of other things.... Read the following and you'll know what I'm about...

Some thoughts on economics model.

With current model everyone who works only cares of salary. Workers feels bad only when they are getting paid low for job. They don't care if they are nearly dead, because of low level wellness, and their low wellness is only head-ache for GM's and government, cause it has bad impact on productivity. They don't even have to care how to get to the job, though it is placed on other end of the country. I have some thoughts on improvements to be made.

1. Skills

Now we have only one skill per domain. I'd suggest to rename current skills to quality skills and implement new one (same at all domains), and call it productivity skill. Quality skill would be taken on account when products quality is calculated.

Productivity skill can work same way as now, but quality skills should be able go up and down. Currently I can miss job for 10 days in a row, then go to work with the same quality level, it's unbelievable. The quality can only be reached with practice. So missing the job for more than one day in a row, should lower the it.

If the skills could go down (even at same model as is), then good workers will be more valued, than those who misses their job. On holiday mode the drops shouldn't occur (same as wellness).

2. Wellness.

As I mentioned before, workers have no worries about their wellness, this is also bit incorrect. Now the only thing they can't do with low wellness is fight in battles, but not everyone is soldier here. I'm sure, that having "half health" in RL, no one of them will attend the job, school or university.

I've seen guys in game working and training with 15 wellness... They'd have to be in hospital and stare at the ceiling with no moves or feelings... but here they are working and running on training grounds with a machine gun...

If citizen could not attend job with level of wellness lower than something like 30-40, they'd start to care then. Even more they'd care if they'd had to pay doctors for healing.

3. Domains.

The variety of possible domains is low, but worst that some of them will "die" (not too far future).

Hospitals and houses... Every region will have Q5 hospital... Every citizen will have Q5 house... so what's next? Q6?

Houses and hospitals are in need of repair time after time, that's what could do Housing companies. Hospital companies should be working on curing citizens and get paid for that. If sold the hospital any region, they'd have to maintain them and heal citizens (what should take productivity points out of them).

Here are wellness packs (2 Gold) and gifts, but 2 Gold is something that worker really can hardly afford (average salary is 0.1 Gold/day) and you can't gift up yourself. So what hospitals could deal with.

One more thing wonders me since I discovered that (thanks to Smartbomb, how are you mate?)... when citizen is changing location he brings his house with him... I'd never want to be in airport when plane with eRepublik citizens arrives... 200 guys bringing their houses with them... what a look..

The houses, if not repaired, should decrease in quality, and repair should be done by any selected housing company (just not the lower level than house). Also if leaving to other place (region, country), could be the ability sell or give house for rent, or just leave it there as realty.

When citizen comes to other country for a short period, he don't need to buy house (or simply can't afford it), it would be good to find one for a rent...

What I'm missing here is transport domain or it could be covered by Moving companies. Workers living in Antwerp works in Oxford on a daily basis, are they coming by bikes? After such a travel, I don't think that guy will have productivity "sky-high", even more he must come home later... So the local public transport is needed.

4. Quality levels

The quality levels with system 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 stars is not flexible. The old well established company of Q3 is the same quality level as new multi company of Q3, which was founded by a guy started the game a week ago.. It's not fair at all.. I'd suggest the quality skill of workers, company level and company sales (maybe advertising through Media also) would be calculated for product level of the company.

The product quality could be 1.15 or 4.73, then it would be more realistic and the market would be more flexible.

I really believe that it is hard to implement, but step by step could be done.. Red Bull will come to help... 😉

That was "Just Thoughts" so feel free to comment... Just don't comment the grammar... Thanks..