Not a Typical Pants Rants. This is a Special Eiditon.

Day 924, 09:25 Published in Canada Canada by Pants Magee

Upon logging into Erep today I did my typical daily routine of working, training, and buying a weapon to use in a fight. I eventually made my way over to the news section and noticed something. There were multiple "RIP" and "In Memory" articles. like most of you I assumed someone had left the game. Upon reading the first article I found out something much worse had happened. A player in eRep had passed away, Marius "Scott" Coroleone. I didn't not know him well, but I did recognize the name.

From reading all of the tribute articles I have come to realize that not only was Marius a soldier in the CAF, but he was also a soldier by profession. Now, I have never personally talked with, had a drink with, or even shook hands with Mr. Coroleone, but this news is tragic. As I am writing this I have begun to notice that my lower lip is quivering and my vision is being obscured by tears. "Why?" I hear you ask. "Pants you are a p***y" I hear you jeer. "Why?" I answer, "I don't know why. Maybe it is because he was one of the few Canadians to decided to defend/fight for Canada and for the betterment of peoples from around the globe. Maybe it is because he chose to do this when there are a plethora of other things he could have done. Maybe its because I'm reflecting on every single soldier who has died so we can all live how we do. As for being a p***y", I answer, "If that makes me a p***y, then I suppose I am one. It's better to be a p***y then a d**k!

I seem to have wandered a bit there, my apologies readers. Today is a solemn day. Today we should all say thank you to the thousands of Canadians all across the globe and then tens of thousands whose service days have long passed, and the hundreds of thousands who gave the ultimate personal sacrifice for Canada. Today I shall reflect.

This was not an article written to jump on any form of bandwagon, or for any kind of attention to be drawn to Pants Rants. I decided to read this after reading Coda's article about not being afraid to let people know, or say something when people have an affect on you.

Now it wouldn't be a Pants Rants without any pictures, so here are a few.

Pants Magee requests that eOttawa fly the flag at half mast. It's the least we can do.

Canadian soldiers are always helping the little guys.

Please everyone, even if you are opposed to war or any conflict, support our troops. They are the ones who are fighting and defending your rights to do so.

P. Magee