Not a PTO

Day 738, 21:22 Published in Pakistan Japan by Zammuel

I hear there has been quite a lot of disturbance because of my arrival here. Many people are claiming I am a PTOer or some such. Let me give three facts for why I am not a PTOer and why you should feel silly if you think I am.

1: If I were a PTOer, don't you think I would have brought along some Zammuelists/other friends? The only Zammuelist to come to Pakistan is Nicholas2000, and only because Malaysia has been conquered. He says he won't be staying and will be moving to Thailand when he can quit his job. As is, I am one man with absolutely no other friendly support.

2: I were a PTOer, why would I have announced my arrival so openly?

3: If I were seeking to raid a government, don't you think I would have picked a more divided country? Pakistan is firmly controlled by Dioists. No one has any hope of ruling the country unless they shipped in 40+ people. Which, as stated, I'm clearly not doing.

Like it or not folks, Pakistan is in a pretty rough shape. It's plagued by a lack of activity or care to get it fully back on track despite the efforts of some of the Dioists. All of the silly roleplaying about eReligion aside, I'm here to work with you guys and see Pakistan remain stable enough to live in, so stop throwing your shoes at me.