Norway's New Empire Continued...

Day 1,280, 05:38 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek
Stage 1: Faroes (Complete)

Results of the Faroe Islands War
Faroe Islands Wiki Page

Stage 2: Conquest of Iceland.

Ok we've cut the eUK off from any attempts at blocking our advance so now we can start the invasion of Iceland. It is just ever-so slightly bigger than the Faroes, and we can't use our airforce as volcanic ash will clog the engines, so we'll need 1,000,000 points of damage to capture it.

Stage 3: Conquest of Greenland.

Our final prize, the mineral wealth of Greenland will be ours!

Therefore, post your damage made against the ONE armies below. I'll divide up the spoils just like before. Oh, and be careful of their volcanoes!

Alt for Norge

EDIT! Because of the crazy amount of damage done in 1 day I am extending the limit to 3,000,000. Seems a lot doesn't it? But it will give some of other players a chance to get in on the action. EDIT!