North West Manifesto: Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar

Day 458, 03:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar

Well, with the elections coming up, and manifestos being written and published left, right and centre, I thought to make it easier for you I will try my hardest to be brief.

Activity - Over my last term I've tried several things to get people to move to the North West and get active on the forums. While we have had a few people, it's not nearly as much as I hoped for, and so for the next term I would focus on this problem entirely to get the community of the North West better for everyone.

Events - As some of you should know, the MPs are given allowances from the Bank of England. We get 200 GBP maximum every fortnight of our term, and in my last term I've already used half of that just for the public - you - with no intention of using the rest for myself. The remainder of the funds is now in the Manchester City Council, waiting for me to come up with a new competition once I've announced the results of the raffle (expect an article from the Council soon). For citizens and keen readers of the news articles - expect much more competitions coming soon.

The Council - The Council is a brilliant idea, and is much better for all of the Directors to get into contact with the public and for the public to contact us. I'm currently the Information Director for it (head of the press) and so, regardless of whether I get re-elected, I will still continue to work for the Council to help make the North West a better place. Of course, if anyone would like to apply for the position, I would gladly let them, as the Council and I strongly value input, particularly of those who might not otherwise be heard.

And finally, what I can do for you - I can do nothing but my very hardest this term, to boost activity, get the public involved with the Council and continue trying to help Transport for London to encourage migration in the UK, but it is of course, nothing without the input and suggestions of the public. Therefore, I will always remain approachable and friendly, even if it's criticism, I can't stress this enough: your voice is invaluable to me.

Vote for who you want to represent you and your region.

Vote for experience, and vote in confidence.

Vote for Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar - 25th February.