North West Here I come!!!!!

Day 946, 09:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Mic

Hello dear people of the North West.

For all the people who are going to go 'You n00b, you can only run for congress in a top 5 party' I have come up with a plan to get around it beffore yuo say it.

A bit About Me

I am Sir Mic.
I have been playing this game a while now, a few months. When I had the chance I joined UKRP, there I had my first try at geting into congress. Saddly I lost.

Then a few weeks ago I joined a new party The Conservatives. First I became the partys Public Relations Manager and Now the Vice Party President.

My Goals

As you all know V2 or 'eRepublik Rising' will be released shortly. The change will make alot of confusion. We should take this to our advantage and maby use a bit of gold to capture a big chunk out of our dear friend Norway.
Also we will need to give advice to people about the new modules or we will end up with lots of dead or useless citizens.

The Baby Boom has become almost silent. While looking at the papers I found a very good idea. Put up adds in the RL, like ask if you could put up a poster in a shop window, outside your house ect.

Here in the eUK we pride ourselves on always having a battle to fight in, the truth is we dont.
Also how meny of the battles we do have are us attacking someone else?
So, my point is to carry on the training wars as they are very good at raising rank. But as a country attack other people more. Not join in other people battles.

On the alliance side I think we are fine where we are with PHOENIX.

I think that is it.

Sir Mic