Norsefire Sept 2008 Platform: The Maple Revolution

Day 280, 11:11 Published in Canada Canada by Augustus Baldwin

As Tantis will be away until just before the general elections I have decided to release a preliminary Norsefire platform that was compiled by myself, several other veteran Norsefire members, and the notes Tantis left before his RL obligations forced his absence. This is the preliminary version of the platform being made public so that all Norsefire members may vet and criticize it. If you see something you don’t like, or want to add something then please PM me or post below. In the coming week each of our party experts will release an article explaining in more detail each section of this platform. The first will be by latro and it will explain our economic platform in more depth and outline the entire math. I know this is extremely long, but we have a lot to do in this country.

Today the wave of revolutionary democracy has arrived. Today we begin our own Colour revolution. My fellow Canadians: Welcome to the Maple Revolution!

Norsefire Platform for September 2008 Elections: The Maple Revolution

Finance: A Moderated Free Market

Q1 Trainers- Norsefire will create/maintain government owned Q1 trainers in the Housing, Weapons, Gifts and Moving industries to provide jobs and training for all new citizens.

Increased Subsidized Economic Growth- We will offer no-interest loans to current Q1 private businesses in order to allow them to upgrade to Q2 and purchase export licenses before the new government Q1 trainers come into effect.

Increased Protectionism- We will gradually hike Tarriffs by 10% each week until they have reached 99% so as to protect the growth of Canadian industry from unfair foreign competition.

Minimum Wage Reduction- We will cut the minimum wage to 2 CAD to allow Canadian business to be more competitive, expand, and inevitably create more jobs and a more dynamic economy.

Increased Government Revenue and Investment- We will maintain financial solvency through a program of fiscal responsibility and intelligent investment. Norsefire will create a program to carefully invest Canada’s large treasury in the currency and stock market in order to significantly increase government income and help recoup all losses spent on proposed new government programs.

Reduce Inflation- We will refrain from the printing of currency unless absolutely necessary. Continued population booms will provide natural inflation relief, and Norsefire will attempt to refrain from offsetting that relief through increased currency supply.

National Lottery Gaming Corporation (NLGC) - We will combine all current regional lotteries into a single, government subsidized national lottery. This lottery will operate to provide wealth to those lucky few Canadians who win. But more importantly its profits will be pooled in order to provide funding to those regions that currently operate regional gifting programs (see below). We will propose that the NLGC be promoted and operated by Mayor jbdivinus.

Canadian Board of Economic Regulation- We will create an SO operated jointly by several ministers whose job it will be to report, record, and investigate the occurrence of unfair economic practices in Canada. This will include underselling, dumping, industrial espionage etc. The CBER will hold public hearings to listen to both sides on the issue and will suggest an adequate punishment for the offender (if necessary). The Congress will then vote to approve and initiate any sanctions suggested to it by CBER.

National Defense: Strong and Free

Military Expansion- We will start a campaign to expand military training among the average Canadian. We will provide a detailed and repeating set of instructions for Canadians wishing to know how to fight, who to talk to, and where to get equipment during the build up to future conflicts. The Goons Wars have shown us that educating the average Canadian in the ways of eWar are vital, and that the government must take the lead rather than relying on the efforts of average Canadians.

Maintenance of the Military Logistics Network- We will continue to maintain the eCanadian navy and air force companies so as to provide an influx of equipment and tickets into the market in the event of conflict. We will increase the amount of individuals employed in these companies so as to both produce units for the national stockpile and turn a profit through sales of quality weapons on the market.

A Professional Army –Being a military officer will now be a paid job. The Military structure will be changed to a more flexible system of quick-reaction and manageable units. Starting with the officers at the top, each officer will first go through boot camp, administered by the Ministers of Defense, Education and Heritage. Once the officers are up to par, the recruiting will begin. There will be three parts to the Canadian Army, the Home Guard (reserves), Overseas Battalion (active), and the Canadian Rangers (Special Forces). For ranking purposes, we will go with eRepublik’s default ranks based on kills. IF this however proves inaccurate and not up to standard, this system will be dropped for rank purposes and a classic one based off of service will be established.

Mandatory Army Service- Signing up for two months as part of the Canadian Reserves or Regulars or Special Forces is required for every eRepublik citizen. What this does is strengthen the unity between all Canadians, teach them the tactics of war, and provide a constant stream of highly trained manpower. Let us stress that this is mainly for educational purposes and does not require you to do anything but learn and defend your country from home!

Veteran Compensation- Each military service member who has a legitimately documented history of exceptional service in the Canadian military and a minimum rank of Lieutenant is eligible for a subsidy for a Q3 or Q4 house. If they already have a house, a subsidy will be given for free-spending of the veteran. This subsidy will be based off the lowest selling price of a house.

National Health Care: Universal Medicine

Maintain the Current Government Companies- We will administer Health Canada and Wheat Board companies, and expand food reserves to 2000 Q1 units.

More Hospitals- We will place a Q4 Hospital in Ontario and work towards a similar goal in British Columbia. The following two Q4 hospitals will thrn be sold to offset the purchase of the hospitals in Ontario and BC.

National Gifting Program- We will provide a two pronged approach to national gifting. First, we will provide subsidies to Mayors of regions currently operating gifting programs in an attempt to keep gifting at a regional level. Second, we will provide a smaller government subsidized National Gifting System, through the government’s new Q1 gift trainer, in order to increase the health of all new citizens meeting certain criteria in Provinces and Territories where the Mayor does not provide active regional gifting.

Foreign Affairs: Democratic Realism

Improved Relations with the USA- We will negotiate a trade agreement and improve our relationship with the United States.

Free Ireland- We will continue to support the struggle of the Free Irish forces against the Petrescu regime. When the Irish have reclaimed their country we will negotiate an MPP and “special relationship” with a liberated Ireland.

ATLANTIS- Seeing as all major powers surrounding Canada belongs to the ATLANTIS alliance, we will investigate the possibility of Canada joining Atlantis. Our application to Atlantis will be conditional on it not affecting our relationship with our long-term MA allies. We do not want to burn our long established bridges and lower Canada’s standing in the world in a rush to join ATLANTIS.

Political Takeover Protection Pacts (PTPP)- We will organize PTPPs with our closest and most dedicated allies. They will be similar to MPPs and NAPs, except they will be invoked when one of the signatories is in danger of, or has fallen to, a foreign political takeover. The PTPP will be an admin enforced contract, they will accomplish their goal by having a signatory provide funds, support, and if necessary votes in order to thwart foreign political invasion of the other.

A Beacon of Hope- We will adopt an internationalist foreign policy and commit Canada to helping ensure democratic rights and freedoms worldwide by opposing undemocratic governments wherever they may be, and offering to take in refugees whose nation has been unjustly conquered. We will also provide a currency exchange program for refugees entering our country.

National Unity: One Canada, One People

No to Separation- We will continue to strongly oppose all violent and undemocratic efforts to achieve the separation of any Canadian Province or Territory, but will provide a pathway for dialogue on such issues, while ensuring the liberty and constitutional rights of all citizens.

Ensure Equality- We will empower the Heritage Minister with the duty to investigate and report on any discrimination against any Canadian on grounds of language, culture, or religious belief. eCanada will remain a nation without mandated divisions of culture, ethnicity, or language. We are one equal people, and citizens will remain free to live equally in Canada without fear of government reprisals.

Etch Our History Into The Proverbial Stone-The Minister of Heritage will be responsible for updating the eRepublik Wikipedia page. He will also have two deputy ministers to help out in this endeavor. Of course, every other Canadian will be encouraged to communicate with the Minister of Heritage and contribute however possible.

Elections Reform: Fixing Our Broken System

Elections Canada- We will form a government body made up of a representative of each of the 5 major parties. It will be tasked with investigating, reporting, and dealing with fraud and corruption during party, regional, and national elections. This body will be tasked with preventing carpetbagging, multi-accounts, SO voting, bribery, and other undemocratic activities. Its judgments will be passed by a majority vote of its 5 members and will be enforced by the government through fines, public reprimands, and expulsions from government operation.

Operation Clean Sweep- We will create a government campaign to audit every single political party in Canada in order to root out cheating SOs and multi accounts so as to bring credibility and legitimacy back to the election process.

Voluntary Agreement on Election Reform- We will work to have all party leaders negotiate an admin backed contract pledging they will not commit fraud, carpetbagging, bribery, or any other undemocratic practice during any future election. We will aim to have this agreement signed by the next regional elections.

Petition Admins on Electoral Reform- The government will join some of the many international petitions by concerned eRepublik players and governments that are demanding the admins enforce a no movement rule prior to regional elections and make electoral results hidden until AFTER the election has ended.

Government Reform: Accountability and Transparency

Article of Democratic Protection- We will work to ensure that this amendment to the Constitution, making foreign political takeovers of the government illegal, is accepted by the admin and put into full force as soon as possible.

Congressional Accountability-We will make all Congressional votes ‘roll call votes’, meaning every Congressman must make their vote on each matter public in the Congressional forum.

Congressional Quarterly Report- We will create an SO account which will make weekly reports on the new business being discussed in the Congress, the status of any previous issues, the results of all votes from that week, and Congressional statistics explaining who has voted, how they have voted, and member attendance for votes. Those who are not fulfilling their duties will be publicly shamed.

Auditor General of Canada- We will create a position requiring a non-affiliated individual whose job it will be to monitor the government forums and activities and report any discovered irregularities, fraud, gross inefficiencies, incompetence, inactivity, or other illegal activity to the Congress. It will provide accountability to the Federal government that has up until this point been unaccountable.

Education Minister- We will appoint a Minister of Education whose duty it will be to provide help and answer questions for many of the newer members in eCanada. We believe that knowledge is power and intend to create a designated outlet for many of our newer citizens’ queries and demands.

Council of Mayors- We will create a section on the eCanada forums where Canada’s mayors can come together to discuss and vote on regional issues. The council will also provide them with a way to petition the Federal government on any issues the Council feels are pertinent.

Strong Federalism- We believe that the current eCanadian political system requires a strong Federalism with centralized government power in order to operate effectively and with accountability. The admins have built the eCanadian system in a way that puts regional government solely under the control of the Mayor, without a regional legislature to provide checks and balances. In addition, the current practice of carpetbagging employed by certain Canadian political parties completely eliminates the concept of electoral accountability from the democratic system. As it stands a mayor is free to do as he pleases so long as his party sends enough members into that particular region to prevent the voice of the regions residents being heard via the ballot box. If the government were to provide the regions more power it would fall solely into the hands of an unaccountable and potentially dictatorial mayor.