No Pants, No Secrets -- Episode 2 (now with less pants!)

Day 814, 17:36 Published in Canada Canada by Scorpius

A short while ago, Acacia Mason, Fram, and Adasko, three companions of mine in the Writers Guild of Canada, decided to join a growing trend and create a podcast. As Acacia pointed out in his recent article on the subject, the amount of Canadians communicating through vocal mediums has increased greatly in recent weeks, with more and more using skype to create a variety of shows providing commentary on all matter of subjects. We have even seen the arrival in Canada of the Australian journalist and politician, crowdedhouse, who helped popularize talk radio and similar programming around the eWorld.

Talking, rather then typing, provides some interesting benefits to the participants. When communicating in this more direct way, one gets the sense of being closer to the person one is communicating with. Emotions are far easier to display and conversations become more lively and spontaneous then on IRC or through private message. When doing interviews, the interviewee provides more genuine answers, as they are put on the spot, without the time to think and revise that they would get in an IRC conversation.

This much was obvious to me when i decided to join Acacia, Fram, Adasko, and another guest, Saltydog, for a round table discussion of eCanadian issues. The 2nd in their aptly named "No Pants, No Secrets" series, this get together was filled with an awesome variety of accents (Fram's Romanian, Adasko's Polish, Acacia and Salty's Canadian, and my New Yorker), spirited discussion, and a mix of fun (if a bit raunchy) humor.

The whole show's about an hour and 15 minutes (i tend to talk A LOT) but its jam packed with lively discussion from some of Canada's preeminent citizens and is a sure bet if your looking for a good time. Topics of discussion included, Octavian_F and his constant fails (real shocker there eh?), my recent 2 clicking attempts, the upcoming party president elections, Jbdivinus's first few days in office, the candidacy and rise of craig norman, some fun tidbits of eCanadian political history, and saltydog's chocolate salty balls.

yes, this is a topic of discussion.

So without further ado, enjoy the show. I encourage you to listen through the whole thing and help eCanada's podcasting community grow and expand. Its the next wave in eCanadian journalism!

No Pants, No Secrets - Episode 2

Your hosts are

Acacia W. Mason
Fram Valentine
Adasko Stewart

with guest panelists:


Have fun!