No Pain, no gain.

Day 1,200, 09:22 Published in Switzerland Germany by Dr.Pain

Greetings everyone.
Tomorow you have to face an important decision. Your vote shapes the future of our country for the next month.
I would be realy happy if you would trust me with taking care of our beloved Switzerland. That is why i ask you to vote for me at March 5th.

Although i would like to present you my cabinet right here, nothing is set in stone yet. Well, some positions are, but i didn't have a chance to talk with all the great people i want to serv in my government (and that measn serving you😁). What I can asure you now is that it will feature politicians from both parties. If we manage to work together we can achieve great things for Switzerland.

I can't present you my cabinet just yet, but i can tell you my plans for my term.

Founding the Swiss Guard
It is pretty much the idea from Colonel Custers last few days in the Swiss Armed Forces. We will never have super strong army, but we can create a close knit fighting group that brings the country together. The Swiss Guard might not be feared all over the world, but you can be sure everyone knows them.
The SNP consideres every Swiss citizen to be a part of the SAF so I believe the Swiss Guard is a realy good compromise between both positions. But it also means that we have to step up when it comes to civil defence and create transparent channels for our citizens to be supplied (since they all are in the SAF) not only the Swiss Guard.

Training War with Italy
I plan to continue the talks with Italy when it comes to having a TW. F4c0n said that we could start one right now if we wanted to, but we both agree that this would not be the smartest idea in the current worldwide climate. Although clearly not everybody joined the no fights strike of the "rebellion", it wouldnt be wise to do it right now. We managed to survive long enough without a fight and we can keep that up a little while longer. After all the "rebellion" will probably end soon (they always do).

Adabting the tax structure
Recently [who am I kidding: always] there have been talks about changing the tax structure. Right now we have a small government / low taxes system and there are a lot of contradicting models by several politicians flying around. I got asked what my position as a future CP on this is and i will tell you: none. Taxes are solely a matter of congress and i will lose my seat if i get elected as CP.

I believe that communication is key. Nobody knows that you are doing good things [or do anything at all] if you don't tell them. That is why i will have a Minister of Comunication and his ony porpuse is keeping you informed. There will be interviews with the members of cabinet and they will tell you what they are doing right now and why. I know that there will always be things that can't be discussed in public, but in such cases we will try to tell you as much as possible and explain why exactly we can't give you anymore details.

Switzerland maybe known mostly for Banks, Chocolats and Neutrality, but there is one thing that makes this country very special. It is the only country with a direct democracy. All the other things just add up to that (only politicians want to go to war, the peole never do😁). In eSwitzerland we don't have that. What we have are two hostile groups that claim to represent the people. I say: Let's ask the people what they want! We will work on a system that alows you to demand changes from your government. Because there is only one sovereign: and that is the people.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask over PM or in the comments.

Hallo alle zusammen.
Morgen habt ihr eine wichtige Entscheidung zu treffen. Eure Stimme formt die Zukunft unseres Landes für den nächsten Monat.
Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen wenn ihr mir anvertrauen würdet mich um unsere geliebte Schweiz zu kümmern. Deshalb bitte ich euch mich am fünften März zu wählen.

Obwohl ich euch an dieser Stelle gerne mein Kabinett präsentiren würde, ist leider noch nichts in Stein gemeißelt. Einige Position sind zwar schon vergeben, aber ich hatte noch nicht die gelegenheit mit all den tollen Personen zu reden die in meiner Regierung arbeiten sollen (und das bedeutet für euch arbeiten sollen😁). Was ich euch aber versichern kann ist, dass in meine Kabinett Politiker aus beiden Parteien arbeiten werden. Wenn wir es schaffen zusammen zu arbeiten, können wir großartige Dinge für die Schweiz erreichen.

Ich kann euch zwar noch nicht mein Kabinett vorstellen, aber meine Pläne für meine Amtszeit teile ich gerne mit euch.

Gründung der Schweizer Garde
Es ist im Grunde genommen die letzte Idee von Colonel Custer während seiner Zeit in der Schweizer Armee (SAF).

Meine Freundin kommt gerade zur Tür hinein. Ich muss jetzt Essen kochen. Rest der Übersetzung folgt (aber nicht vor morgen).