No multis, no Saudis either

Day 1,173, 16:42 Published in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia by Rule Britannia Headquarters

According to this info ( ) the multis are being banned from eSaAr. (naturally, you have to click on each name to see what I'm talking about)

Only 48 citizens are registered when I'm writing and already (at least) 7-8 banned permanently (didn't bother to check the entire list). There may be a couple more multis undetected but it's insignificant.

If anyone has links to pages where more comprehensive information can be found, please post them in comments.

While I have no idea about younger eSaudis loyalties, it really doesn't matter at this point anyway they're too few, I hope the banning of multis will continue.

Which brings me to the frailty of eSaAr society and the need to step up citizenship requests approval. Since there's no sign of RL Saudis storming eSaAr a balanced open doors policy might be the answer.

Swift Revenge - Riyadh