No, I did not read the manual. Of course not.

Day 2,966, 18:49 Published in Norway Finland by Elquee
How it all began

It started roundabout five years ago, in those dark times, when nearly everybody on Facebook played games.
Back then a typical Facebook-Chat started with the words "Could you please play XXX with me? You don´t have to do anything, just be there, cause I need friends to play the game properly."
And then you started playing, until you were really fed up with all these messages about "Please, send me this" or "Pretty please, do that" and you did neither quit the game or end the Facebook-friendship. Or both.

I don´t remember who invited me to eRepublik, and I do not remember if I ever did something in the game.
However: When I last year deleted all the games I signed up to over the years I was very surprised to see this one, and I took a look. Oh, something with war and weapons, huiuiui, probably full of rightwing-geeks. That sounds fun. Not.

Since I am a journalist and journalism means to go where it hurts I decided to take a closer look (sometimes I write little articles about games).

And since I really think that reading game-manuals is for cowards only, I started clicking here and clicking there and doing what I thought was okay. Which was boring, but in a way it was fun too. At least when I finally had enough money to buy one of these thingies to produce food in - until then I just trained and trained and occasionaly fought in wars the daily order told me to fight in.

After a while of producing food and training I thought living in Norway could be more fun. Imagine my surprise when I noticed that this did not mean I would be a real norwegian - this took very complicated dingsies. Very, very complicated, i turned out.

Okay, this would at least be a nice goal in this game, I thought: Set the world record in asking for the norwegian citizenship.

In the meantime - additional to the complicated dingsies very complicated political issues used to happen in Norway, which was bad, but good for the goal -, I did what I could best: Produce food and train.

Oh, and it seems I started a resistance war, by accident, cause I do own the medal "Resistance Hero", which is nice, but I honestly have no idea when and how I did start it. Probably I noticed a button and clicked on it, since that is what these buttons are for.

Then I became a norwegian and since I am broke, cause buying nice weapons for the biiiig war seemed to be a nice idea. We lost the biiiig war, I learned recently, but it was nevertheless a nice idea.

And now I will continue to work and train and fight a little ans write this newspaper, until the next one, the biiiiig war.
Maybe we will win this one. Or maybe not.