No Better Time

Day 460, 20:37 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to formally announce my return to the political scene in the Czech Republic!

After much deliberation and support from several members within my party, the army, and across the nation, I will be throwing my hand into the Presidential ring next election. For the time being I will be supporting our current President Red Duck because he has done a decent job so far and has enough support to remain so. But I desire the people to hear my case.

We're in a time of warfare in the international scene. The great global powers are siphoning our productivity by taking our workforce into their own wars and all we get out of it is the slight increase in fighting power. Under my presidency I will dramatically change the very nature of our military forces. Although we will remain a nationalist neutrality we will support creating our very own Mercenary Corps in line with our Czech Guard Red Duck has created.

This mercenary Corps will be run by the Head of State and everyone who is a part of it will be paid out of the national treasury. The salary will be fair and based on the activity of warfare around the world. Whenever there is a conflict we will send these forces into the side which comes to us first OR we have political and economic ties with. As far as our national army is concerned we MUST have a consistent force available. These forces will also be paid out of the national treasury but based on the fact that they remain within the borders of the Czech Republic. Moving Tickets will be provided to everyone in the National Army and the Mercenary Corps to anyone who signs up on our National Forums.

The economy is slowly recovering and we are making progress, but this isn't enough. Our political allies in the CRU party have been plunging our Import tax in an attempt to lessen the blow on prices from foreign markets. This is fine, I believe we've given enough of a break for our national companies to allow this dip. The problem lies within the AMOUNT of taxes that we are decreasing. We are going from high 90's to low 10's, this will most likely create a flood on the market of foreign goods.

Under my presidency I will call for an increase on Import taxes but no time in the near future should we return to anything about 80%.

Being a born Pakistani in this game it pains me to have lived in a nation where the food and home prices are so ridiculously high. When I joined the game in November of 2007 the price of 3 Star Food was under 15. Here the food has become as high as 30 or 40 within the past few weeks. It's low now but who's to say it wont return? What I plan to do for our own companies and organizations that voluntarily lower their prices to a national standard they will receive WEEKLY bonuses from the government! If companies wish to do otherwise that is up to them but I will no longer tolerate a nation that is slowly starving to death because of high food prices. The same goes for homes. I bought my 3 Star home in Pakistan for 150. A ONE STAR HOME IN CZECH REPUBLIC costs 600 CZK!! This cannot go on. I want our citizens to go out and find people who have no jobs and to point them to the Housing industry! We MUST make Food and Housing affordable in order to make our nation prosperous!

The same goes for Hospitals and Self Defense. I will put as much time and money into a national account for us to buy 3 Star or higher Hospitals or Self Defense Systems for each and every one of our national regions!

The last time my Presidency was cut short by Shane and Parrot's loyalists who cut their profits and ran to South Korea, Germany, and other parts of the world. Ladies and Gentlemen I am coming to you now with a set plan for our nation. Please listen to my words. Thank you and God Bless the Czech Republic.