NnK: Update [Aug19]

Day 638, 15:34 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Hello honourable citizens of Japan!
This Public Relations office, Nihon no Koe (Voice of Japan), handles the relay of information from the Japanese government, directly to you.

Government News

eSK Independance
The time has come to wave good bye to many of our South Korean friends, for they will be returning to their homeland tomorrow when Alfagrem starts the Resistance War to begin the ending of the agreement that was made between our nations some months ago.
I, your President, ask that all Japanese citizens fight RED to ensure this is a smooth operation.

JIA soldiers will be given weapons upon their arrival at the military channel of Japan. Fire teams should standby for orders.If you use firefox and haven't read the forum in a while, check http://nipponblog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=566.

We're slowly gathering Financial information and putting procedures in place to ensure the continued effective operation of the Ministry of Finance.
Minister Yusuke has been particularly outstanding- keeping to deadlines and being thorough in his work. There is still a lot more to do though. Minister KITA Ikki has also been particularly thorough with finances and I am now certain that he is reliable. Minister Reiji Mitsurugi has been busy lately and is delayed in his financial statement for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


eJapans Place in a Post-WW3 World
Congressman Kyo is eager to know the feeling of the Japanese Diet and citizens regarding our place in the New World after the War. Join in and add your opinion on what you think Japan is or should be, http://nipponblog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=567

Forum Bonus
If you're a new citizen, register on the forum here: http://www.nipponblog.net/forum. then apply for citizenship and your citizens forum bonus. The current bonus is 15 JPY. Be sure to take advantage.


It's beneficial to all JIA soldiers if they use firefox so they can view JIA orders on the eRepublik homepage. For further details, look http://nipponblog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=566


The list of companies in Japan has been updated on the wiki. I'm sure many of you have observed some of the newer citizens asking about which sector is best to go into, in terms of profit, supply and demand. We're working towards giving Japan a better idea of the economical situation we face. Minister Akki should be working on comparing the sector distribution in Japan with that of the New World- so young entrepreneurs can work out the situation without having to go experience it first. It should be notable that the sector distribution will vary according to our resource distribution.

South Korean Affairs

South Korea has been actively recruiting members of hte community into the SK Guard recently.

South Korea's Minister of Defense, Spade, had this to say:
The SK Guard kickin ass takin names
And the former President, Yonai Keiko adde😛
Unlike the Americans who was kicking names and taking ass

That is all.

Culture & Events

The Takarakuji Lottery will start operating from this Friday onwards. The ticket fee is 3 JPY- more details to be released on Friday! Make sure you save up! I'll add 5 of my own gold to the Jackpot as a celebration of the first draw if we get more than 30 tickets bought!
This issue was brought to you by
~Minamoto, Preident of Japan

eJapan forum: http://www.nipponblog.net
eJapan IRC: https://www.mibbit.com/chat/?server=irc.coldfront.net&channel=%23eJapan