NnK: Pre-Election Edition

Day 612, 07:50 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Hello honourable citizens of Japan!
This Office of the Speaker of Congress, Nihon no Koe (Voice of Japan), handles the relay of information from the Japanese government, directly to you. In this special Pre-Election Edition, we will be looking at each of Japan's parties and what they have to offer the people. Several parties exist in Japan that are not listed because they chose not to reply to the Speaker's request for information. It is my personal suggestion that these parties re-evaluate their party presidents. Some may have legitimate reasons or excuses for failing to promote their party platform, but others may not. A simple evaluation.

Anyway, on with the parties:

The Kageki Minshutou

Party President: President Kokawayoshi Makoto

Authorized Candidates:
Kitarou Yuki


In the last term, the KMT has been a strong supporter of the standing government's policies, although even within the party, there have been dissenting voices regarding the issue of the Kyushu Affair - voices that are accepted and cherished, as the KMT is a democratic party and does not force a single opinion on its members.

Ultimately the accomplishments of the KMT have been the accomplishments of the individuals within the party, who can - and should - speak for themselves. However certainly one of our greatest accomplishments as a group has been the provision of a stable government, helping as part of the coalition of progressive parties to continue making this country great.

In the next term, we wish to continue supporting the progressive forces in Japan in changing this country for the better. KMT congressmen will work hard and honestly to represent the will of their voters. We have newcomers as well as experienced members running, and it is this diversity which will hopefully help to strengthen our message of an united and fair Japan. We wish to support policies that are aimed at creating a stable and harmonic community, a favorable position of the country on the international stage, a military capable of defending our interests, a great environment for newcomers and an economic climate that encourages investment and economic participation.

The Imperial Sun Party

Party President: Vice President Tohru

Authorized Candidates:

rikugun hare

Reiji Mitsurugi


Ryuu Toumori

Huang Chung




Miyagi Kesuke



The ISP over the last congressional term, which was majority ISP held, had some of the most active, bright thinking citizens in Japan in the Diet. Great ideas came from those minds; minds that thought only of their nation. Besides that, their debates in other areas, were equally as intelligent.

The goals of the ISP, are the same as they have always been; to strengthen Japan. Many think this means we must be a warmongering, conquering nation. That is not the case. We simply want to see Japan as a powerful nation in all respects, while honoring the nations around us. Provided they share our thoughts of honoring one another.

I'd also like the ISP's members to continue as they are; Japanese first. I prefer our party to be focused on Japan's needs, not our own. We don't strive to be number one simply just to be on top. If we are trying to be the strongest, it is only because we believe our policies are what is best for Japan.

The Orange Party

Party President: Secretary Geno Garon

The Orange Party does not yet have a list of confirmed candidates.

The Orange Party has been an active and driving force in congress. Congressmen in the Orange Party are expected to have high activity in participating in congressional discussions and voting. Oraizan is the best and prime example of this. She is active on all congressional discussions and brings up new angles and points of view to consider.

The Orange Party is happy with our congressional seats, although we would like to see increased activity from some of our congressmen. We would also like to see increased military funding, and increased taxation discussions.

The National Alliance Party

Party President: Secretary Akki

Our Party, the National Alliance Party has many capable citizens running for Congress this term. I guess that is all I really need to say for a statement. It is in the end up to each individual member of the National Alliance Party that will dictate how much support they will gain.

A list will be provided on the 24th. and be published from my newspaper on the 24th. Since our list isn't final yet, at the current time, I refuse to provide you will incomplete list that may change.

Our party runs more as group of individuals, thus I do not think I can say we had "Party Accomplishments." Every member of the National Alliance Party had their own triumph and victory, and pushed their agendas that they believed in, and that is a credit that does not rest with the party, but with individuals that accomplished them alone. I do not wish for Party to take credit for that which is not deserved. "Accomplishments” come in different forms, and those "Accomplishments" are the fruits of the successes of our members that work hard, and I do not want the Party to take the credit for them. The Party itself did not accomplish anything. individual members had their own party.

Every one of our members have their own goals regarding the next congressional term. The Party as a whole has no goals other than to hope the best of luck for all of our members that make it to congress, and hope they are able to voice their opinions and make important decisions for Japan. After all, it is not the party that is being represented in the congress; it is the individual citizens that are represented

The United Lolies of Japan

Party President: Congressman Yuuko

So far, the ULJ has only one candidate. However, due to the fact that we are not in the top five range, Our one candidate is running under the TFC.

Kagami Hiiragi - Kanto region.

Also, the only person we got into congress last term has since gone inactive and became a dead citizen. I apologize for not being able to report.

Again, I am sorry, because I cannot get the last question answered right now. due to rl issues, I have to get off. I will answer the last question as soon as I can though. Again, I apologize for that.

The Nihonjin Sakura Party

President: Congressman Saithis

The party is only newly founded and I still need to organize things, but I will respond as soon as I can find the necessary information for you. Thank you for your patience.

These are all of the parties that have followed through with the Pre-Election surveys. Other candidates may not be authorized by any Japanese party. In such a case, these candidates should not be voted for, under any circumstances. They are likely foreigners trying to steal either political power or money. And they must be stopped.

~国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK

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